i wanted to like this!
29 August 2020
The beginning of "America Caused Two of the Greatest Disasters in Human History" is just over the top Revisionist Bunk to pretend Japan was just on the edge of surrender and defenseless was unnecessary and untrue and Worse covers up the fact that Japan was Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity of the scale of the other Axis Nations. i have heard Mr. Yamaguchi's Story before and i wish it was told better with less Cartoonish Narrative and Odd Propagandist Feel to it. Mr. Yamaguchi was working for the Military and was a Legitimate Target, he wasn't a Victim of anything and i think painting him as one does him a Disservice. Mr. Yamaguchi is an outspoken Voice Against Nuclear Proliferation and War and a Very Powerful one. he wasn't a Hero on those Two days his Feat then was not Dying, That's all he was in Military Targeted City working for the Japanese Military His Heroism came later by being Vocal for Peace and to stop the Threat of Nuclear War, it does take Courage to keep reliving those days over and over to try and stop it from ever happening again.

People didn't just die "immediately" from drinking it was long and painful with no way to offer any Medical aid to them in some cases it took decades. The over top Effects both Visual and Audio made it seem Propagandist and took away from the Fact that this Actually Happened to People. Blaming one side and not holding the other accountable is unfair to Mr. Yamaguchi's Message I wanted to like this but it took away from the Facts and Message.

Tsutomu Yamaguchi passed away in 2010 he Died from Stomach Cancer at Age 93
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