RadhaKrishn (2018–2023)
So many things wrong with this.
17 August 2020
Please don't insult the epics disguised in aesthetic VFX. With false storyline and unnecessarily stretched scenes for the sake of TRPs, the show ruins the essence of the great epics. The makers had an opportunity to use the visual effects in order to make an authentic version, but the TRPs win over originality these days. It's high time for the television audience to choose what they watch. Characters taken from the Hindu scriptures and a storyline developed as per the maker's convinience in order to put the audience under the shadow? It's not acceptable on so many grounds.

Lord Krishna spent his life with all sorts of people, and taught people how to deal with so many problems in life. He taught the way of living and became an inspiration for all. Including the life events of such a great character is a challenging job, but adding unnecessary drama and fake storylines isn't cool.

I am amazed at how the audience love the misinterpreted versions. These versions are a threat to originality and the values. Please stop such shows and do something that'll bring an impact in the society. Make a show that is authentic, where people don't dress up weirdly, where a character doesn't have the need to talk in a slow motion only to show that he's an antagonist of the story. That would be great. This show doesn't make any sense with it's made up storylines.
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