Review of Greyhound

Greyhound (2020)
Torpedoes but no Tension
11 July 2020
The overall problem I have with Greyhound is it's lack of tension. Thrillers, especially war movies need to build the conditions of the plot to keep the audience engaged. The movie assumes the stakes of the plot from the second it starts. The lack of developing the circumstance of a ship being sunk suffers to motivate the viewer into really caring about the events that the characters will endure. This idea is also applicable to the characters: all are hardly developed leaving me underwhelmed in empathizing for them and wanting to root them on. Because the majority of the movie is filmed on a ship, there's little opportunity to get immersed in the setting. This element is especially frustrating for me due to how good this setting could of been. If the cinematography and directing was better, the Greyhound ship could of felt super claustrophobic, conveying a sense of no escape and little hopes of survival. I just never felt the full incentive to care about much of the movie's plot... this is not due to the lack of historical significance, but the lack of the film's ability to fully immerse me into the it's circumstances. Meh... go watch Dunkirk.
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