Paranoid (2016)
If cops would really be so incompetent and unfocused, they'd all be dead
17 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So. I guess it's a feelgood series... I don't know, but it doesn't represent anything serious. Suresh is quite infantile and absolutely not professional at her job. She almost comes across as dumb. I really don't know what exactly she has contributed to the entire investigation... except for being the clown of the series. It's unprofessionalism galore. Cops not being able to contain their tempers, cops going off on their own like cowboys in the Wild West, cops discussing sex, being pregnant at the most inconvenient times... I felt it to be messy and weird. The storyline was pretty ok, and somehow it felt like they were trying to imitate Harlan Coben's style, but doing a poor job of it. I know for a fact that every single actor in that series is talented. They are not to blame for this poor storyline
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