The Outsider: Must/Can't (2020)
Season 1, Episode 10
Did Anyone Else Find Hollly's Question about Terry Odd?
10 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I will say firstly, that I was very confused by this final episode. Did anyone else catch that Holly asked "Who is Terry" when Ralph mentioned clearing Terry's name in the cave? I had to rewind and put the captions on just to make sure I heard that right. I found that odd since she was hired to clear Terry's name. It didn't seem to make sense, unless she was el cuco at that moment and that was their way of letting us know.

I also had a bunch of other questions. Why were they erasing any mention of El Cuco from the official story they were telling the DA? Why was Ralph's dead son at the entrance of the cave when they were walking out? Why didn't Ralph let El Cuco continue to change so we could see his original form?

The episode started strong with the shoot out but was anti-climatic and left me with so many questions
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