Supergirl: It's a Super Life (2020)
Season 5, Episode 13
Amazing episode!
24 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was truly amazing. I loved seeing all the different timelines. I'm glad that kara was able to see different outcomes if she had made different decisions.

In the two we do see Lena come around in the end. In the first one, Kara died in the first one because Lena couldn't save her in time. Though I did love how Sam made sure Lena and o think even the audience knew that Lena was a hero and not a villain when she saved same and made kryptonite. Also, Kara yelled out to the TV that Lena was a villain and how could she think that and then at the end said Lena will be treated like a villain which showed me the ending scene was to get Lena to snap out of it. Kara truly doesn't think Lena is a villain. But she has the capacity to be one.

In the second one, Lena died after Reign killed her, it showed that Lena will come around in the end even if it truly doesn't seem like she will. Seeing Lena die in Kara's arms was horrible. And if you notice closely, her last words are, "Kara." Then Mon-El went on a rampage and killed Sam while in turn getting killed himself. And Kara told Mxy to bring her back.

The third one has go to be my favorite. It really showcases how it would be like if Kara and Lena a Super and a Luthor were working together. Though, I don't think Agent Liberty killing off all her friends was the right way to go. I think there could have been different outcomes. Also, why did the public have to know that Lena knew Supergirl's identity. If they didn't, I think this timeline would have played out differently. But anyways, the third timeline didn't work as well. Though it was my favorite.

I have to say, I liked Mon-El's advice to Kara regarding Lena. I hope it sticks with her.

Regarding the ending, it was needed to be said. Lena's worst fear is becoming the villain and like Kara said, if Lena continues down this path, she will have now choice but to treat her like one. Kara wasn't calling Lena a villain at the moment. But, having Lena hear this from her (ex) best friend, has got to hurt. I definitely think we will see Lena second guessing herself in the upcoming episodes. Robert Rovner abd Jessica Queller, Supergirl's showrunners, did an interview with Entertainment Weekly and Rovner said that we will see Lena second guessing herself and contemplating what she's doing.

I truly don't think Lena will go through with Non Nocere. Yes, I know in 5x14 she moves forward with it. But who's to say at the end of the episode she stops herself? She'll have to do it quietly though because Lex definitely has plans for Non Nocere.

So yes, I do think by the end of the season, Lena will have come around or be close to fully coming around. Rovner said they (Kara and Lena) will come full circle at the end end of the season. So that's my hope. That they will become friends again. This interview just cemented it.

10/10 episode. Great performances by all! I loved seeing all the cameos! I've missed Odette so much! Sam was a very missed character. I'm sad Calista want able to make her schedule work to appear in the episode, but I'm glad they referenced her.

I'm hopeful for the rest of the season. :)
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