Angel: To Shanshu in L.A. (2000)
Season 1, Episode 22
It's the City of Angels and constant danger, South Central LA, can't get no stranger.
19 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
To Shanshu in L.A. is about Wolfram and Hart attempting to sever Angel's connections to The Powers That Be.

At first it was about Angel making a connection to the world he was fighting for. Now those who he cares for, his connections, are being severed, along with Lindsey's hand as he stands in Angel's way. Cordy's traumatic experience, traumatic for the viewer as well. Angel's encounter with Kate outside the building after the explosion, a highlight and encapsulating. The effects of the ritual excellent and Angel's maggoty demon foe as well. Exceptional season finale.

Angel: This isn't about the law, this is about a little thing called life. Now I'm sorry about your father. But I didn't kill your father. And I'm sick and tired of you blaming me for everything you can't handle! You want to be enemies? Try me.
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