Disgusting Celebration of Depravity
17 December 2019
I accidentally clicked on this title thinking it was American Crime starring Ellen Page and a whole roster of real, quality actors. When I realized I did not recognize one person, and the "storyline" was just torture,fast forwarded to the end. Was expecting a courtroom scene or credits referencing the real life case. That did not happen, because this movie is based on someone's fiction.

Although this movie came out around the same time as American Crime, there was zero reason to make this film except to hide perversion in plain sight. Who submitted all the 10-star reviews? Someone paid? Someone sending a dogwhistle to other maps types? Maybe someone trying to trick a naive viewer into watching something unwatchable and disturbing? Because there is nothing "entertaining" in this film, and no message or moral lesson to learn. If you like to watch children being mutilated and abused, please seek therapy. Today.
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