Resident Evil 2 (2019 Video Game)
Now this is a REmake.
12 February 2019
When I first heard that they were going to make a RE2 remake I will admit, I went into it a little skeptical. I'm a huge fan of the series and of course played the original RE2, but I figured they'd strip away what makes RE great (Like RE7) But my little brother got it and he lent it to me and I figured "Why not?" And gave it a try. Needless to say I was amazed and truly terrified from the start. I haven't felt as unsafe playing a RE game since RE4; this game really made me jump and just made me feel uneasy throughout. You get the feeling of being chased, panicking on whether or not to shoot the zombie or safe your ammo and run, you even feel claustrophobic at times. But unfortunately the story wasn't aaasss great as the original (At least for me) But then again, I have yet to play Claire's story or the second play through; So I'm going to play those and see if my review changes. That being said, I give this remake a 9. Still an amazing game and I highly recommend. (Fan of RE or not)
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