Seinfeld: The Shoes (1993)
Season 4, Episode 16
Jerry Seinfeld: Looking at cleavage is like looking at the sun. You don't stare at it, it's too risky. You get a sense of it then you look away.
31 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Shoes is about George being caught staring at Russell Dalrymple's daughter's cleavage and the discussion of Elaine's shoes.

Jerry and George decide they need to insert the Elaine character into the script, but when they start to think of what she would say, they have no idea and quickly decide to remove her. While this itself amusing, it sets up for wonderful moments in regards to Elaine's reaction's to her shoes being talked about. Gail: Nice shoes! Elaine: Oh. Thank you. Gail: Where'd you get 'em? Elaine: They're um, Botticelli's. Gail: Ooh, Botticelli's! Look at you! I'm afraid to go in there. Elaine: Really. Jerry: Would you care to join us? Gail: No, no, I gotta get to the restaurant. Oh! See ya. Jerry: See ya. Elaine: "Oh, look at you, the Botticelli's." Jerry: That bothered you? Elaine: Yes, it bothered me. So I bought a pair of shoes at Botticelli's, I'm not allowed to shop there? That really embarrassed me. Jerry: It did? Elaine: Yes! Couldn't you see that? Jerry: No. This is why you're not in the pilot.

Kramer: Ooh, so...I understand you're buying new shoes now at Botticelli's. Elaine: What? Who told you that? Kramer: Gail Cunningham. Elaine: I don't understand, why is this woman talking about my shoes? Why are my shoes a topic of conversation? Kramer: Well, you know, we were just talking, and she mentioned how you're buying your shoes now at Botticelli's. Elaine: "How I'm buying my shoes now at Botticelli's!" Did you hear this? Jerry: So what? Elaine: So what?! She is talking about my shoes! She is discussing my shoes! It is nobody's business where I buy my shoes! The scene hilarious, as she's so mad and the guys just look on in bewilderment.

Jerry and George go to Dalrymple's apartment to discuss the script. Dalrymple's daughter walks in while he's in the bathroom sick, Jerry nudges George to sneak a peek at her cleavage as she bends over and looks in her backpack. Jerry has a quick look, but George stares, hypnotized and Russell catches him in the act. Jerry: What were you doing? George: Well, it's not my fault. You poked me! Jerry: You're supposed to just take a peek after a poke. You were like you just put a quarter into one of those big metal things on top of the Empire State Building. George: It's cleavage. I couldn't look away. What am I, waiting to win an Oscar here? This is all I have in my life. Russell cancels the pilot, but Elaine volunteers herself to be bait to temp Russell the same as George was tempted, bringing back the pilot and the Elaine character to the script. Not all great from start to finish, but a quality episode. Jerry and Elaine are the standouts.
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