Review of The End

Grimm: The End (2017)
Season 6, Episode 13
Awesome Ending To A Great Show
9 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Had not watched the finale until now. Just want to say that mid- episode i was and would have stayed so angry and disappointed...! BUT i was hoping for the twist and it came and the ending was Awesome! I liked the reunion of many characters and the open/happy ending with the next generation.. Even Diana who is a naughty brat turns out great! Cool, you will be missed Grimm!

Every death made me sad but when the massive massacre happened i could only hoped for the change at the end and the happy ending...

One could worry that they will leave blanks and unanswered questions as in half of the episodes you 'd watch autonomous and case by case stories but in the final episodes they went all in preparing for the final battle and connecting many dots.

Also the flashbacks from back in the start were very nice, they blended in nicely with the melancholy for the invested viewers who were there from the beginning.

Finally the last touch with the "Thank You" in many languages was also kind and appreciated because if you know your audience, we also know you more.(Greek here).
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