Easy applause jokes that have been done before
23 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Standard easy applause jokes that have been done before; "why does pu*sy mean weak" (done before many times for easy applause by hack comedians), "men are creeps", "here's a funny incident that happened" so he can have an excuse to do an accent (his Russian accent is shite), a 5 minute long Obama joke who's punchline is the word "nig*a", the irony of former British subjects immigrating to Britain, Jesus was black , all hackneyed worn out material from the last 30 years of standup. He's just not that funny but as long as he continues to crack this tired old crap there will be no end to the forced laughter by guilty white people who want to prove that they aren't racist by laughing at his tired old jokes wrapped in a foreign accent. Some of his accents are quite good, though (not counting the Russian one).
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