right well ........
15 December 2016
Disaster wars:tsunami vs earthquake is one of those movies that you see that you never talk about or see it in a DVD bin or second hand shop,this into is fairly short due to the movie i have just watched.

The first initial reaction to this films existence is what a weird title for a movie,then you realize that the concept doesn't really make much sense because in order for a tsunami to happen an earthquake must occur either in the ocean or near the coast that it sends aftershocks out to cause the tsunami,so logically the concept of the movie"tsunami vs earthquake"would'nt really pan out in a movie as this movie tries to emphasize(disappointingly this match between natural disasters never actually happens til the end in an extremely dragged out and terrible looking scene),as for the movie itself,the movie was something i was not expecting and bored and baffled me to a point where i had to take a break and think over what i was actually getting myself into.

the aspects of this film i would like to point out for being something kind of ridiculous is the terrible cgi and set designs(this also includes filming locations such as outside shots),the first experience i had with the terrible looking cgi was in the first couple of minutes into the film and immediately regretted watching this film,the whole third act of the film is a horrible computer generated mess that is actually really hard to watch. another topic that is prominent that i have a major issue with is the "characters",the "characters"are all pretty much the exact same personality wise(cardboard),as the movie progressed i was kind of hoping that they would try and add personality variety between them but that was of a high expectation,one of the biggest problems i have with the characters is the main character,the reason i forgot his name is because the director and screenwriter must have forgotten to add him in and actually give him motivation like a main character has to have,most he does in the movie is go somewhere for 20 minutes and give the viewer exposition about the tsunami.

In my honest opinion i don't actually recommend this film because there is nothing compelling about this film but if you want to waste an hour and 25 minutes of your time then go right ahead.

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