Game of Thrones: The Winds of Winter (2016)
Season 6, Episode 10
The greatest season finale that has ever been on TV.
26 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Episode 9 of Game of Thrones is usually the best of the season and the following finale is more of a lay down for stories to come. But not this season. After Battle of the bastards which was a masterpiece we all thought this was going to be a calm down finale but hell no. We got another masterpiece.

Let me start of with negatives cause there really isn't anything negative about this episode other than, since the episode was called The winds of winter I expected some bit of White walkers.

Now the positives. Everything. Everything really. Music was a real standout. Blowing up the sept was great, tragic end to Margarey and Tommen too but true highlight was Cersei, the best and most complex villain on Game of Thrones and on TV probably. "Long may she reign!". Now long may the White wolf, the king in the north Jon Stark/Targaryen(finally confirmed yeahhhh). Lyanna Mormont was amazing once again. The flashback was great. And everything Dany, finally leaving Mereen and sailing to Westeros. That end with that music was epic. And yes Arya is back too in the best possible way. 10/10 - masterpiece of television.
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