The Flash: The Fury of Firestorm (2015)
Season 2, Episode 4
The Flash Team; Anti-Heroes?
28 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers

I honestly have no idea how I feel about this episode. It was the most anti-hero episode ever, in my opinion.

Dr. Stein is dying because his molecules aren't stable. They have two potential recruits; Hewitt and Jax. Everyone in the Flash team except Barry supports of Hewitt, while Barry supports both of them, but is skeptical of Hewitt. At this point, I predicted the entire episode, Hewitt would not be compatible with Stein, he will get mad for Reason X, Jax will end up becoming a hero by combing with Stein and becoming Firestorm, the end. Turns out, that wasn't exactly how it went. I suspected Hewitt to be unnecessarily mad, that isn't how it went. AFter the failed attempt to bond with Stein, Hewitt's dormant abilities were triggered after the attempt to merge, therefore making him unstable and 'firey'. In my opinion, Hewitt had every right to be mad at The Flash Team, they literally ruined his life. He lost his job, he was arrested. Like, what the hell.. The Flash team were literally anti-heroes in this episode, they ruined Hewitt's life, they made him lose his job, he ended up being arrested, they burned Hewitt out, and then KEPT HIM CAPTIVE, and THE SHOW IS TRYING TO PORTRAY THEM AS HEROES! THEY AREN'T HEROES.

Anyways, aside from that, Patty and Barry's relationship grow stronger, Iris meets up with Francine and realizes that she doesn't want anything to do with her, which was a pleasant surprise at the end because I expected some cheesy scene, but I honestly give an applause to the writers for this.

Stein and Cisco talk about his powers, I liked this scene as well.

And the last scene at the end of the episode is probably one of the greatest scenes this season so far, don't want to spoil it, cheers everyone.

What I REALLY liked:

+ Iris's decision about Francine + The Last Scene of the Episode

What I REALLY disliked:

  • The Flash Team being anti-heroes

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