Destiny (2014 Video Game)
Brings nothing new to the table
19 October 2014
This game looks really good, and some of the fighting is pretty fun, but other than that, this game is all style and no substance.

Sure, we got Peter Dinklage in this, but he is completely wasted here. All he is there for is for exposition and to occasionally advance the plot, if it can even be called that.

The "humanity is doomed" plot is only interesting if the reason for its doom is interesting. And if the resolution is interesting as well. "Space thugs are threatening humanity! Let's shoot them with our guns!" is neither an interesting scenario nor resolution. Okay, there are fetch quests, too. But that certainly does not help.

Don't even get me started on the "always on" thing. This is the first "always on" game I've ever played and I must say I get why there was such backlash against it in the past. Being kicked off in the middle of a mission or raid due to server issues is annoying as hell.

But hey, if you enjoy mindless, pretty shooters where you can turn off your brain and just blast things in the face until they fall over or explode, you'll probably have a blast with this. And enjoy it you should. I don't think any less of people that do enjoy this type of experience. It's just not for me. Those of you wanting a deeper, more meaningful experience should look elsewhere.
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