Blubberella (2011)
Better than 12 Years A Slave
3 August 2014
This was a cheese fest. Ridiculously low budget, stupid storyline and obnoxious acting. It was however fast paced, had great comic timing and did not take itself seriously. I actually laughed a lot. It currently has about 1 and 3/4 stars which means it has only been reviewed by pretentious self acclaimed movie critics who wouldn't know entertainment or creativity if it teabagged them. Really you people rated this movie lower than so called works of art like "12 years a slave" (Boring, boring, boring, and lacking any creativity at all. Oh here is a new idea let's make a movie about slavery and how sadistic every white person in history has been. That wasn't already done to death or anything.). LOL! Seriously this movie is fun. Pull the stick out of your ass and watch it for fun. Plus fat girls are funny, political incorrectness is funny, gay stereotypes are funny, potty humor is funny and everything else that offends (Sorry, makes pompous douchebags pretend they are offended because that is hip in today's society) is funny. Give it a chance and if you really want to see what a 1 and 3/4 star movie looks like turn on SyFy and watch anything. E.G, "Skeleton Man." Or rent anything deemed Oscar's best picture. E.G, "Brokeback Mountain."
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