Breaking Bad: Felina (2013)
Season 5, Episode 16
I'm The Odd Man OUT
21 October 2013
I thought it was best I waited till I saw the end of the series before I made my comment.

My son and wife told me I needed to watch the whole series because it's the best thing on TV in a long time if not the best ever, and whether I put a barrier up from the start I've not found this to be the case.

Right from the start I found most of the characters annoying with pockets of interest. Most of the episodes had me yawning, getting uptight and feeling the script was being padded out.

It took until the third series before I felt that the characters were becoming of interest and this came in the character of Saul. Even when Gus came in all I though he added a small amount of menace but he didn't feel threatening enough to be a BIG boss.

When main characters started getting killed like mike and hank I felt nothing for them as I couldn't empathize with they're characterization.

I also got annoyed with the one dimensional showing of Jessie's part.

All that said, I thought that there was some interesting moments of inventiveness.
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