Review of 9/Tenths

9/Tenths (2006)
............9/tenths of the budget went towards the sex scene
28 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
** before reading - I didn't know which words were 'prohibited' - so I changed everything that might have been thus some sentences sound a little funny - please use your imagination ****** Because thats probably the only thing in this film that cost them money. No but seriously, - long story short, a post-apocalypse film and how all of a sudden the only thing that matters are survival skills and some stuff about role reversal - poor man becomes the rich man due to his survival skills etc. etc. The wealthy couple rightfully owns a farm which the ranch hand steals by force and then the ranch hand steals the man's wife. Honestly, I feel for the wealthy man and really hoped he would just kill the ranch hand which he had every right and opportunity to do. There are so many moments where I was just screaming at the screen telling him to swing an ax or knife at the unsuspecting ranch hand. The whole plot is stupid and does not many any realistic or logical sense. If I were in his situation I'd just kill one of the sheep and eat it. pardon my language - this movie really annoyed me off.

But what annoyed me off even more was the OBVIOUS heart that is bleeding blueism **** that is the underlying message of this film. Honestly, in a post-apocalypse world - yes, survival skills, being good at hard manual labor is more valuable than any professional degree - but WE Don't LIVE IN SUCH A WORLD!! Thats why poor people are poor. If I had a ton of copper and tried to sell it to you at the same price as gold with the excuse 'in some hypothetical world copper is the rarest metal and is necessary for the production of the most advanced technologies' would you buy it? NO WAY.

So please - get real - and sorry, pardon the blunt nature of my review, but honestly, these movies peeve me.
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