Funny & Heartwarming!
5 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I'm constantly amazed at how negative and hostile some reviewers are when a film is happy and lighthearted. It's as if these angry, miserable people can't stand seeing other people have fun.

Dil Bole Hadippa is one of my favorite Bollywood films precisely because it doesn't take itself seriously. While Rohan, played by Shahid Kapoor, was a bit melodramatic as the hunky cricket captain, I think it was a perfect "straightman" act for a zany comedy.

Meanwhile, Rani Mukherjee (Veera/Veer) was hilarious and brilliant as the tiny yet talented all-rounder bats(wo)man with big dreams. She did a wonderful job dancing and singing both as a man in the "Lions of Punjab" number, and as a beautiful woman in the other songs.

One of the other reviewers compared this film to She's The Man, and although the theme is similar, the Indian version has its own unique charms. So what if it's been done before? How many times do we keep seeing new versions of Pride and Prejudice or some other "classic" story?

This film tackled some important themes such as giving women a chance to fulfill their dreams even when it hasn't previously been a traditional role. Another significant theme is how your dedication to, and faith in the Divine can manifest in realizing your dreams. And lastly, the most important theme of love - for family, for one's heritage, and for your true love makes Dil Bole Hadippa a film worth watching again and again. Hadippa!
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