31 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I rented this movie because it had Justin Long in it. I'm normally a fan of his. But no matter how much of a fan I am of his, this story was incredibly unfunny. I did enjoy Rob Corddry's performance, but that was not enough to save this from being a long boring film.

As usual, Emmanuelle Chriqui was stunning to look at. I think she has solid acting chops as well, but her character just wasn't likable at all once you find out she's cheating with the mayor. And it was a bit unbelievable that the mayor's wife still wanted to help her after finding out.

I need to stop renting movies I've never heard of just b/c Justin Long is in them (he was in "Just Add Water" as well, and that was another awful movie). I don't know why he does films like those. Wanting "indie cred" is fine, but he needs to pick scripts that are actually interesting or entertaining. This film was neither.
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