Review of Jailhouse Rock

A wonderful movie that vindicates Elvis' acting career (to a point)
4 August 2008
I'll be fair, I'm a huge fan of Elvis' music. But I have been very harsh on his movies. I've watched "Stay Away Joe" and "Paradise, Hawaiin Style" and hated them both. This movie is miles better then both of those, and is neither silly nor trite.

What it is is a compelling story with developed characters, a plausible storyline, and the right kind of pace.

The musical numbers are all top notch, of course, but the real luster of this gem is in Elvis' acting performance. Elvis was clearly having a good time playing a rebel, and he fit the part perfectly. This movie is much more then just a vehicle to get Elvis' music on screen.

As many others have said, its a shame that Elvis did not get a chance to pursue more roles of this kind.
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