An entertaining movie
14 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Recently for my birthday, I bought the DVD for "The Magic Voyage", which I recalled being one of my favorite movies during my childhood. Whenever we had lessons on Columbus in elementary school, my classmates & I would often watch this. Being the easily-impressed girl that I was, I loved every minute of "The Magic Voyage", & even now, at the age of 19, I am not ashamed to say that I still greatly enjoy watching it.

Of course, I know that the Columbus story as portrayed in the film is quite different from what we've been taught in history class, but of course, the "artistic licenses" are what keep this movie--any movie, for that matter--fun & entertaining, not to mention interesting. It makes me wonder sometimes why people complain so, so much about the "technical inaccuracies" in "Pocahontas", "Anastasia", "The Prince Of Egypt", & other animated movies based (at least somewhat) on true stories...these are the *movie* versions, you guys. Just watch & enjoy! Additionally, in my humble opinion, while the animation in "The Magic Voyage" is not the best that the world has to offer (putting it nicely), this flaw is redeemed by the entertaining screenplay, the nicely-written songs, the well-done casting, & the enjoyable characters (Christopher, Pico, & Marilyn are my particular favorite members of the cast).

Overall, not a bad movie in the slightest. Good to watch on a rainy day or with your kids.
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