Please Stop!
8 July 2006
At some point the American movie going audience should stand up and tell film studios we will not stand for this garbage anymore. I saw this movie on the tail end of a double feature at a drive-in theater. The first movie was Scary Movie 4 so as many rational people will tell you maybe I was a little jaded before the second feature started. I pondered this question and realized no, this movie is just terrible. It pretty much consisted of a drunk hillbilly running around with out the slightest hint of hometraining. By the way I saw this movie outside of Cincinnati, OH. That night it began to storm pretty bad during the movie. Why do I say this? Because I came so close to wishing it would turn into a tornado and tear the screen away. It was just that bad. I am just sad for Megyn Price. I really enjoyed her in "Grounded for Life," but this mess might have ruined her career. This is the kind of movie that I call a career killer, once an actor does one of these you will never seem them in a respectable film again. See: Chris Rock and "Pootie Tang," or any cast member of "Soul Plane." If you want to see non talent on a screen turn to public access on TV. I strongly advise you save your hard earned money.
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