A vision of loveliness!
5 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of people don't seem to like this movie. For instance, it bombed at the box office, critics dissed it, & it was nominated for (& won) a few Razzies. Even today, people don't see this movie for the gem it truly is...& it's quite a shame, really.

"Under The Cherry Moon" is one of my favorite movies, much less my favorite Prince movies. There are many funny scenes & lines that keep me busting up into hysterics! (But I won't give any away--YOU have to see them yourself.) The only thing I found disappointing about this movie was that Prince's character Christopher was killed at the end. I didn't think it was a very appropriate ending for a comedy movie, not to mention it made me cry a little...

But other than that, this movie is perfect for watching when you're in a foul mood, or just need a good laugh. Do trust me, it's not as bad as people say it is!
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