The Worst Movie Ever Made
7 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
There are tons of bad movies but try watching Invasion of the Neptune Men it's so bad it makes my head hurt thinking about it. I t was so bad! The MST3000 cast couldn't even stand it thats how bad it was. I mean how many times could you watch the same crap being blown up, I mean it was funny when they blew up the Hitler statue once but five times is repetitive and stupid. The dubbing was like hearing a nail being scrapped against a chalkboard for eighty minutes! There was no hero space chief(really Prince of Space) was absent for the whole movie (along with his lame chops) and the villains are dumb and absent minded. Turning clocks back to conquer the earth! The so called invasion that lasted for about twenty to thirty minutes was so painful with about five minutes of stock footage continually repeating. I can withstand a lot of crap but this broke me and I questioned the point in living and came to the conclusion that there is no God since God would not have let this movie exist, it's worse than Manos or Monter A-Go-Go which is the only accomplishment this film has made. You cannot even call this a film I truly believe it was really designed as a torture devise(as in A Clockwork orange) for captured Chinese and North Korean communists. So in conclusion until you've seen "Neptune Men" the other movies people mentioned are definitely bad movies but they could be laughed at get some amusement out of them (Gigli, Battlefield, Got Served, and all the Billy Jack's) but these is absolute pain and I now know what movie is playing in Hell. It is one and only one movie, "The Invasion of the Neptune Men".

Ps- Interesting side note the actor who played Space Chief was the great Sonny Chiba. although this is way before his excellent martial arts movies in the seventies and his legendary role on TV...Hantorri Haznzo.
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