Review of Formula 51

Formula 51 (2001)
Awful awful awful awful awful awful
10 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably the most idiotic film I have ever seen. EVER. And I promise you, I have seen some stupid films in my time. If you can believe anyone would pay 20 million dollars just for the formula of a drug noone has even tried, I truly envy your lack of grasp on reality. And there is more...

***Spoilers ahead***

A drug FIFTYONE times more hallucinogenic than acid, caused by the power of suggestion... Oh yeah, this is the incredibly lame premise of the movie. The drug in question in the film, POS-51, is a placebo, it has no real effect, yet people imagine the drug to work cause the massively overrated actor Samuel L. Jackson tells them to. You think you wouldn't notice if you took something 51 times stronger than coke and E and LSD combined? A couple of hundred of clubbers pop the drug, and miraculously are convinced by the magic power of suggestion.

Truly, if you have an IQ higher than that of a houseplant, AVOID THIS MOVIE, I promise you will be disappointed.

I can't believe this film got relatively good ratings here. It makes me depressed that anyone could accept the concept of this movie. I think I have to drink some imaginary beers now, 51 times more intoxicating than vodka.

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