Review of Tribe

Tribe (1999– )
Very Watchable TV Movie
6 December 2003
I managed to catch this three and a half hour (plus) made for TV movie in the wee hours of the morning on Lifetime Movie Network and I didn't even fall asleep! It featured a number of Australian actors (that happens when you film the movie in Australia) but there were a few recognizable actors, such as Antonio "Hubba Hubba" Sabato Jr. and Joanna Cassidy. I've always liked Joanna Cassidy; she is a quality actress and she doesn't disappoint in this one.

The plot is your typical "stranded on a deserted island" theme, except this island is loaded with booby traps left over by the Japanese in WWII. That was a nice little plot twist except that one can predict who's going to make it off the island and who's not. Well, at least I could predict it. I also had visions of Gilligan's Island dancing in my head when (according to the story) the rag-tag group managed to build very livable huts (with doors and beds no less) after just 3 weeks on the island! Wow, the professor would have been proud! One has to wonder why they spent those first 3 weeks building those wonderful living quarters instead of a raft which they could have used to get OFF the island, but hey, then the movie couldn't have lasted as long as it did. Some of the characters are also reminiscent of the Gilligan's Island castaways such as the character of Lucille, who starts out as a snotty yet beautiful Ginger-type then turns into a fledgling Samurai under the hallucinogenic tutelage of a dead Japanese soldier because she just happens to be fluent in Japanese (as well as Vietnamese) and managed to translate the dead soldier's diary. Talk about luck!

Plot holes aside, I liked this movie. The acting was good, the story wasn't bad (a little predictable) and if you ever have the chance to view it I would recommend it.
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