Dear David (2023) Poster

(II) (2023)

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The Dear David Twitter thread tries to recapture its internet zeitgeist in feature film format that is yet another unimpressive entry in the annals of internet based horror
IonicBreezeMachine13 October 2023
Set in 2017, Adam Ellis (Augustus Prew) is a visual artist working at Buzzfeed who produces comics for the site. As Adam's boyfriend Kyle (René Escobar Jr.) heads off to visit his mother who's undergoing surgery much to Adam's disinterest, Adam engages in vitriolic exchanges with various Twitter trolls until an account called Dear David begins following him which repeatedly tries to goad him into asking it three questions. As Adam is stricken by night terrors of visitations of a boy with a caved-in head, Adam begins documenting the escalating encounters via a Twitter thread that dramatically increases his online reach as his professional and personal relationships suffer increasing amounts of strain.

Dear David is the latest release from Buzzfeed Studios and based upon the 2017 Twitter thread by visual artist and former Buzzfeed contributor Adam Ellis. I'll admit I wasn't all that familiar with the Twitter phenomenon at the time and very much researched it after the fact, and after reading through it, it feels like a case of "you probably had to be there at the time". There's been debate among internet denizens as to whether the thread was real or some sort of internet fiction in the vein of SCP or Mother Horse Eyes, but the thread became notable as a milestone in one of the first instances of an urban legend born from Twitter in a manner similar to the phenomenon of Slender Man. At one point Dear David was positioned to be made as a much larger film at New Line Cinema, but eventually the rights found their way instead to Buzzfeed Studios as a VOD release through Lionsgate. While Internet based horror films have been attempted many times prior, for every success like Deadstream and (to an extent) the Unfriended films, the annals of horror history are littered with the likes of Feardotcom, Smiley, Chain Letter, and the infamously troubled Slender Man film. While Dear David doesn't plumb the depths of this subgenre, it's also not especially good either.

A big issue with Dear David is the establishment of its tone. Rather than play as a completely straight horror film, Dear David swings back and forth between taking itself somewhat seriously while also having a lot of broad comedic (I think) scenes coupled with scenes in the Buzzfeed offices where Justin Long's unnamed boss character plays a very broad archetypical tech company boss who's less a character and more a caricature which is one of a number of elements that never causes these comedic scenes to reconcile with the horror ones. The horror elements aren't particularly well done as despite the initially intriguing setup of some scenes where the Dear David account terrorizes some internet trolls, the movie features the same fundamental confusion as seen in Friend Request where it's trying to be this morality tale but it isn't framed in any way where it really earns it. The inciting incident for example is Adam Ellis responding to a twitter troll with "DIAF or (Die in a Fire" which you can argue is tasteless, but when he's responding to an instigating party is that really something worthy of karmic punishment and not just a descending cycle? That's not to say Adam Ellis is all that likable because he really isn't as he is shown to be selfish, dismissive, and an egotist and if that were part of a richer arc I could see that working but his relationship with Rene Escobar Jr.'s Kyle is so flatly defined you really don't have much reason to care. And if you're expecting this to lead to any kind of satisfying climax, think again as instead we're treated to one of the most ill-advised laughter inducing scare sequences I can recall seeing that made my jaw drop with how stupid it was.

Dear David is the kind of movie where you can see a nugget of a good idea, but it's buried under a tonal mess and sloppy writing. If this had tried to be either more of a black comedy or straight horror story I could've seen it working, but it's not sure handed enough to do both and ends up satisfying neither. In the annals of unimpressive internet horror it's above the likes of Smiley and Feardotcom and I wasn't annoyed at it like the last Buzzfeed film I saw with the gaming-sexism comedy 1Up, but while not awful it's still bad and whatever brief moments I might've enjoyed aren't worth sitting through the entirety of the film.
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A Desperate Attempt By Buzzfeed To Retain Relevancy With The Next Generation.
meddlecore25 November 2023
Dear David is another horror film (like Elevator Game) based on an internet meme.

In this case, an old Buzzfeed twitter thread about a man who claims he is being haunted/trolled by a sleep paralysis demon, in the form of a young boy, named David.

Both in waking life...and on the internet.

Having never been a Buzzfeed user- or internet trend follower- myself...this is the first I'm hearing of it.

So I'm of the viewer class who has gone into the movie without being privy to the trend it is based on.

Which makes the whole thing seem like it was funded by Buzzfeed, in an attempt to recapture the attention of the internet, in a way that could garner them the virality that the original story managed to perpetuate.

An elaborate marketing scheme designed to farm clicks...which is all it ever was in the first place, mind you.

And it almost worked.

As I was somewhat enticed to search for Buzzfeed...if only to see if it is actually still relevant.

However, it wasn't enticing enough to overcome my will not to care.

Which kind of gives you an idea about how the movie sits.

Storywise (on it's own), it just comes off as a mediocre psychological horror that is based on "the entity" experience (made famous by the much better, based-on-a-true-story, film, from 1985, of that name).

Only, with the male character, here, experiencing a male form of the entity...presumably, because he's gay.

As men normally experience a gray-haired crone, as opposed to the shadow-like male entity experienced by females.

That being said...that's not to say that this is overtly horrible...or by any means unwatchable.

Just that it's kind of mid, in comparison to it's much better predecessor.

Because the action bits in this don't hit as hard.

While the attempts at jump scaring you just aren't effective.

Though, to be fair...this film is much more psychological in nature.

Focusing on the fragile mental state of the main character- and his subsequent downward spiral- as opposed to a physical investigation into the paranormal nature of the unseen world from which this phenomenon originates. is of a somewhat different nature, despite being based on a somewhat similar experience, of a very real phenomenon (I'm well aware of because it happened to a friend of mine...and led to a police incident, which I ended up writing a song about).

Which is precisely why it can be exploited by company's like Buzzfeed, whose bottom line is based on creating the next viral sensation...not only to garner clicks...but keep itself relevant.

Which is, unfortunately, what this film feels like it's a desperate attempt to do, in the end.

4.5 out of 10.
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Couldn't finish it
chrismulcheater12 February 2024
The official trailers made this film look hilarious, so I was excited to see it. I love unintentional comedies and I know movies based on creepypasta are always doomed to fail (ex; the film "adaptation" of Marble Hornets). I was fully ready to turn my brain off and enjoy a 2-hour idiot extravaganza with this film.

Instead, Dear David commits the cardinal sin of bad cinema; It's intensely boring. It's wholly lackluster. The pacing is a complete slog, even on 2x speed. The film makes Adam Ellis look like a complete tool (I'd assume the real Adam Ellis is probably an ok guy since I don't know him personally, obviously). It has a handful of silly moments that did make me chuckle, but it's mostly just slow, pretentious, out of touch, and painfully inoffensive.

Avoid this one. It's not even ironically good.
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carrhc-9419415 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For those of us who followed the OG Twitter thread, this was a sad excuse for a movie. They stuck to MAYBE 10% of the original story, and embellished WAAAAAAAAAY too much with this. There was no mention of a hallway crawl space, shoe, marble, or any of the OG photos besides his cats at the door.

The part of David in the OG thread looked to be the size of a 4 year old, not 12, or 31 as depicted here.

In the OG there was DEFINITELY not a coma mentioned, and it was said that a shelf caused the skull to cave in - NOT his mother whacking him with a pan.

They took to many current events (Facebook, internet, Grindr, etc) and explored their creative liberties too much.

Was so excited for this movie to come out, and was completely let down.

Only plus side, was seeing Justin Long on his rightful horror movie throne (even if it was a supporting role).
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BuzzFeed ruined a potentially good movie.
ms-shoegal18 October 2023
Anybody that was on Twitter when this story was an active thread, will know it was an intriguing read.

Whilst this movie is "based" on those tweets, Adam Ellis supposedly had nothing to do with it as he left BuzzFeed years ago and according to him, they had the rights to all his work (including this story) If you're unfamiliar with the original story, maybe you will enjoy this non horror, drama based relationship movie. If you want to see the original Twitter feed he has moved it to Wakelet. It truely is a fascinating and creepy read.

This movie just had me questioning who tricked Justin Long into acting in another awful "horror" movie.

Don't pay to see it, wait til it's free.
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Terrible, one of the worst movies released this year.
hodaja-2315310 December 2023
I assumed Dear David to be a serious horror movie, however it blew me away with it's horrible attempts at being scary! The script is unnatural and tonedeaf, this is not how the internet works and this is not how people talk. Every jumpscare flopped, there was no suspense or tension throughout, very disappointing for a HORROR MOVIE. Despite being produced by BuzzFeed, (a news company that writes about stuff that happens on the internet) it felt out of touch and was as if it was written by someone who doesn't use the internet often. Ontop of that, the story and script made no sense, despite being based off of something that (supposedly) actually happened. And, with as little spoilers as possible, the video game segment was the worst bit of this movie. If I had a single ounce of respect for this movie after any of the previous events, it was gone after the video game segment. All in all, this movie is atrocious, it isn't scary or funny, or even entertaining! Save your money and keep away.
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How to Ruin a Good Story
ivyinthepages3 December 2023
Step 1: Have Buzzfeed be anywhere near it.

Step 2: Be money hungry.

Step 3: Have the most cringe worthy "message/lesson"

Honestly I ADORED the story on Twitter (X) and having LoeyLane read us the tweets and discuss it with us. It was some good times and this movie just upped and ruined it. I HATED Adam in this movie.

What I am most disappointed with is Justin Long. Why would he work for/with BUZZFEED? He could have done some much better with another movie. Maybe he needed the money, but honestly is money worth bruising your reputation?

Find the OG story and read it. This strangers wannabe story isn't it. You can do better.
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Complete and total let down
DebraIonaVogel17 October 2023
Hey, Amazon, I want my $6.99 back.

This movie referenced the Dear David thread, but completely out of context with the original posts.

Our protagonist, Adam Ellis (the artist), is gay. He may be in real life, I have no idea and don't care, but this was a PRIDE movie more than anything else.

The introduction has a kid using early era computers to chat under the name Dear David. And...Adam is being haunted by some ghost kid with a head injury. Where's the connection? How is that supposed to make sense?

The Buzzfeed office and employees are stereotypically cool and use all the cool language so enthusiastically that you'll want to back away from your screen in revulsion.

This really was a terrible adaptation of a compelling and scary tale.

So dumb. I will not be able to make it to the end. Boo!
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Contrary to other reviews, I liked it.
Patient44418 October 2023
I have to say I'm a little surprised by all the hate I found on the page regarding Dear David.

It's a fun movie, attacking a nice subject, one that isn't overused, has some moral weigth to it and a great ending. I especially liked the fact that it reminded me of In the mouth of Madness, that great paranoia feel, not knowing what is real and what is fake. Thus I feel obliged to recommend this one, because it is a lot better than the latter over hyped horrors that appeared. It isn't afraid to be real, raw and take it to the next level with solid scenes that make your skin crawl, but just a little indeed.

Overall Dear David was a nice experience for me, so I am going to advise any horror fan to give it a go. It's definitely a nice add on to the list and it is worth a view. I think I would have enjoyed this on the big screen honestly, because it relies a lot on tension and not jump scares, thus if the mood and surroundings are good, I think the movie will look a lot better. Also, seeing Justing Long on the screen in a horror is always a bonus!

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Reasonable premise, poorly executed
johannes2000-114 February 2024
A horror-movie, with at its core the (over)abundant use of social media, has an attractive 2020's touch to it. The social-critical edge is in this movie reasonably well done, seeing main character being absorbed by his cell phone, to the extent of neglecting his friends and even his lover, and seeing his social media company thriving on inventing new trending topics - however extreme or cringing - to expand their bulk of followers.

But as an intended horror movie it fails. The premise is just too farfetched, and the execution too chaotic to make it really involving. Apart from a few creepy images, that flash by in an instant, there's hardly anything scary going on, and it's hard to get a grip on the supposed narrative. It's some sort of Candyman or Bye Bye Man "saying something three times" thing: in this case asking the supernatural internet troll a question three times, that does the trick of summoning a horrific fate unto yourself. But why this troll haunts the internet, or why Adam is chosen as a target, never becomes clear. The acting was just average. And it didn't really help that the Adam-character was rather sulky and unsympathetic, and not very pleasant to look at.
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Counting issues
kosmasp22 May 2024
No pun intended - it may also be more of a listening or "obeying" problem. Also a bully issue ... some people like to do stuff and insult others over the internet. What you may feel is a bit of "fun", is anything but. In this case it also seems to have consequences ... for the bully.

That said, the movie is quite predictable and I understand if some had issues with the movie itself. It is not as engaging as it could be. Justin Long is more a side character (still like him) - but if you feel this is the worst movie of the year, I kind of envy you. In the sense that it means you have not watched a lot of movies and therefor missed way worse movies.

Also good on and for you ... everyone else if you have a free minute for a low budget horror movie.
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Hollywood ruined a perfectly creepy story.
lakeisha-walker9 May 2024
I was so looking forward to the movie version of this story for quite awhile. Glad I waited to watch it on a 7 day free trial of Starz because I would have asked for my money back if I saw it at the movie theater! And I want my free trial back! Lol..The original story that Adam Ellis put on Twitter (X) 😂) was so much better and creepier than the Hollywood version. I found it by accident and was glued to the entire thread. Read it as it plays out on Twitter because it has so many creepy chills even though we know it's fictional. I even liked the original backstory of David better that the movie version. Just don't even bother with the movie it'll be a complete waste of time.
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The writers of this film deserve to be replaced by AI
spyderoneil2 June 2024
The real thread was compelling, interesting, and at times, intense.

This film was the opposite of that. I think the actors did the best they could with the material and story given to them, but wow....what a slog.

This movie can't follow its own story to save its life. It doesn't know what direction it wants to go or what to focus on. I've never watched a more disjointed and disappointing film.

Cinematography, acting, score, all ok. But this story....yikes. I wouldn't watch this unless you have copious amounts of alcohol at your disposal. Then you might find something worth watching.

Save your time, don't watch this, go read the real thread.
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Not like the thread.
kmemcaj21 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Back in 2017, this thread on Twitter was so scary and intriguing. Adam posts "There is a ghost. Hild haunting me" Chills. Rocking chairs. The cats freaking I couldn't wait to see what happened next. This movie did not capture any of that. They should have stuck to the original material. What you can't see is scatiwr than all the jump scares and terrible fx combined. I mean, what was with the robot David? Did they not even follow the original stream? In the film, Adam works for Buzzfeed , in RL he posted on Twitter. Did producers thi k kids wouldn't know how to relate? The producers and director ruined this story.
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A buzzfeed horror film...
striklix5 May 2024
I really cannot believe that buzzfeed actually created a film studio and has started producing movies, and I find it even harder to believe that I didn't particularly hate this one either? I truly did think a movie that was based off an old twitter horror story thread by a former buzzfeed employee would've been as bad as that sounds, but it was fairly inconsequential, not really good in any specific way but nothing about it jumped out at me for being bad either, it was just a super mediocre film that didn't hurt to watch in any way but also wasn't especially enjoyable either.

Easily the most interesting part about this movie as a whole is what it is adapted from, which is a twitter thread from former buzzfeed employee and also the main character of this film Adam Ellis. I was pretty invested in the actual story going on in real life when it was happening and might have actually been young enough to not realize how very obviously fake it all was leaving me surprisingly invested in all of it. Obviously now I can pretty easily tell that it was just a cool internet horror story, and it didn't work nearly as bad as I thought it was going to when it got put to film. There's nothing inherently amazing about any of its horror but I also didn't find any of it glaringly bad either, it had some pretty okay jumpscares that were albeit cheap but kind of effective, and some decent effects work that I wholeheartedly did not expect to get out of it, and I am glad that the caved in David head actually looked decent.

Although; the best part of the film for me just has to be the fact that there's a really small role given to one of my favorite actors of all time Justin Long.. he plays the boss of Adam Ellis and I do wish he got much more screen time as everytime his character was on screen the movie somehow got much better. Whether that be just how charming this man is or how funnily he delivered all his lines but it was supremely appreciated to have such a shining light in the sea of meh that surrounds the rest of the film. Long isn't the only talented actor here though, as the main man himself who plays Adam Ellis, Augustus Prew is a really great actor and the performance he delivers here feels so out of place in this mediocre film. He truly does breaths a sense of life into this movie that wouldn't be present without him and the way he plays the character is excellent and by far the best part of the movie, which isn't saying a whole lot but when you have an actually good actor present in a literal buzzfeed movie it's worth noting.

Dear David is not a good movie in my opinion, and if I didn't like two of the actors here and have a somewhat connection to the source material I wouldn't be surprised if I genuinely hated it, but since I do meet those criteria I just thought it was a very eh run of the mill type horror movie that isn't horrid in any specific way but also never great. It's not a movie I recommend watching for yourself unless you're a horror buff, like the story itself, or are just insanely bored out of your mind - as if you're not one of those three things I have a hard time believing you'll come away with any particular enjoyment with it and most likely will hate it. For me though it's just a nothing movie that has some decent qualities at times but never enough to actually make me like it in any significant way, mid I would say.
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