Jerrod Carmichael: Rothaniel (2022 TV Special)
Stand-Up Special or Live Podcast?
4 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A good friend of mine (who is also a pretty pig Carmichael fan as well) likened this stand-up as a podcast and I feel thats an apt description. Sure, it was funny at times but for the most-part its main draw was hearing such a raw and complex situation(coming out to your family!!!). Carmichael's story is engaging, and I felt I kept listening to hear his story resolve, but in the end we as an audience are the ones who resolve Carmichael's family's future in our imaginations.

As far as "stand-up comedy" specials go this wouldn't even crack my top 15. Its not funny.

In terms of "live A-list celebrity conversations with crowds" this is a 10/10.

If you want to hear Carmichael at his best, go watch '8'.
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