Monster Makers (2003 TV Movie)
OK, Obviosly it's not Oscar-Worthy
1 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I still do have some bones to pick.

1. The ONLY good character in the entire movie (A fiery female cop, she was pretty cool) was thrown against a wall and knocked out, and, then, that's it! They never mention her again! They just forget her! The movie is resolved and she could still be laying in that corner unconscious! 2. That forced romance between the mom and Sheriff whats-his-name is pretty stupid. The minute the mom said "And pretty cute, too" I was thinking "Oh no, the can't POSSIBLY be that stupid." but alas, that is a positive 3. Why was the Sheriff so determined to erase himself from the script? He didn't have a reason, it was obviously just to be "sad", even though the main characters knew him for what, two hours? 4. HOW THE HECK DOES EVERYONE BELIEVE THEM SO QUICKLY? I mean seriously? The mom, the police, they just believe them immediately! IT MAKES NO SENSE! 5. Have you noticed that the female lead in this type of movie is always -Pretty -nice like Jesus -pretty much perfect -dating the kid who beats up the main character

So yeah, the movie was bad. It wasn't even harmless kiddy entertainment, and that's pretty easy to do. My one question: How the heck did they get an actress from one of the most famous horror movies of all time? HOW? Every time the rat-guy said "I'm just down on my luck!" I thought "Yeah, like Linda Blair apparently is" If you have very young kids, they may like it, but I think above 9 they'll just be bored.
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