Aliens vs. Predator 2 (2001 Video Game)
14 January 2002
Aliens Vs. Predator II is by far the best and most addicting game I have ever played. Okay, it's gory when you kill people, but AVP II is still a fun game to play. You will just drool at the graphics!

Unlike Aliens Vs Predator and Aliens Vs. Predator Gold Edition, this game has a storyline and cutscenes between levels.

The Xenomorph and Pilot Alien Homeworld is LV-1201. The Xenomorph Drone (Alien) you can play as is born as a face-hugger and you must work your way up to maturity. Then, you set out on a quest to stop Dr. Eisenberg from taking the Alien Empress away from your kind. In addition to the Claw, Tail, and Jaw attacks, you can use a new Pounce attack.

The Colonial Marine (Andrew Harrison) you can play as is sent to LV-1201 with other Marines to investigate an accident at Dr. Eisenberg's research facility. However, the Iron Bears, a pack of evil Marines (Most of them dressed in orange) arrest you and send the rest of your team on a suicide mission into an underground Alien base (Built by Pilot Aliens thousands of years ago. Remember them from Alien?). Utilizing a knife, Pistol, Shotgun, Pulse Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Flamethrower, Rocket Launcher, Smartgun, Sniper Rifle, Minigun, and Exosuit (Armed with Flamethrower, Rocket Launcher, and a Minigun), you must ransack Alien bases, weaken the Iron Bears, and rescue the rest of your team before the bugs get to them.

The Yautja Hunter (Predator) you can play as will journey to LV-1201 to hunt humans and Xenomorph. Two of your clan mates are abducted and during your rescue attempt, you are (Your clan mates are killed by scientists). Your mask is taken as a "trophy" by the evil General Rykov, the leader of the Iron Bears (He is mad at you for shooting him with a Plasmacaster and critically injuring him 19 years before the Incident on LV-1201). You must take back what is yours and restore your honor. You will use Wristblades, a Combistick (Spear), Modified Plasma Pistol, Speargun, Plasmacaster, Disc, Netgun, and Remote Bombs to kill game and destroy the Iron Bears and eventually, General Rykov.

I have said this once and I'll say it again, Aliens Vs. Predator II is the greatest game ever made. I must say that the people at Sierra did an excellent job with the game. At times, expect to be frightened by false scares, Aliens jumping at you from nowhere, Predators shooting at you from all directions, and Marines tooting off their weapons in the most quiet of places. In think anyone should give this game a try. It is definitely worth your time and money.
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