The Wayans Bros. (1995–2023)
Very funny show!
31 December 2002
This was one of the first of what I call Average African-American Shows.

(See my review of One On One for more details) It's basically a show not

on the Top 4 networks that is mostly made up of African American actors.

The thing that makes these shows different from shows like The Cosby

Show, Jeffersons, Good Times, etc... is that they aren't exactly

supposed to appeal to White America. In fact they appeal to a more Urban

audience. I guess that's why I liked this show so much. There's

something about a show that doesn't try to appeal to the majority that

helps make it funnier and cutting-edge. Much like their previous show,

In Living Colour, Marlon and Shawn show they have what it takes to make

young audiences laugh. My brother and I especially love the beginning

theme song: "We're brothers. We're happy and we're singing and we're

colored. Give me a HIGH-FIVE!" Then they help an old lady get run over

by a bus which they somehow got on. HILARIOUS!! Another incident my

brother and I love is the episode where their father says he's going to

stand up to their mother. The next day he shows up with his suitcases at

their apartment and he says he told their mother everything he wanted to

tell her. They Wayans brothers then ask what happened next. The father

replies, "I don't know. When I came to some stranger was helping me on

the bus." I LOVED IT! Too bad it was cancelled so darn ear
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