
6 Reviews
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A 23 minute ep took me 40 mins to watch
26 September 2019
The amount of times I hit the rewind button on this episode was way too high. This episode truly embodied the classic sunny feel. I might've added a couple years to my lifespan due to how much I laughed during this ep. I never want this show to end.
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Death Note (I) (2017)
An absolute disservice to the source material
25 August 2017
I don't even know where to begin with this, it is rare that an anime adaptation ever turns out to be good, so I didn't go into this movie with high expectations. Having seen the anime twice now I was completely underwhelmed and disappointed throughout the whole movie. The characters in this movie had little to no similarities to their originals. There's honestly way too many things for me to say about this that I simply just don't have the time to do so. I tried to watch this movie as it's own thing and not compare it to the original but that was basically impossible for me. If you're a fan of the anime and manga, honestly don't even watch this, it's not worth your time.
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The Flash: Cause and Effect (2017)
Season 3, Episode 21
One of the funniest and most light-hearted episodes in a long time
9 May 2017
For the majority of this episode i was laughing my ass off, just about everything memory-less Barry did was hilarious, i've known for a while that Grant Gustin was an incredibly talented actor but this just sealed the deal. At first when Savitar was revealed i thought i wouldn't be able to take Grant seriously as a villain but he proved otherwise. His actions this episode without his memories really brought me back to the season 1 days, and showed how fun this show can be when it tries not to go all Arrow. Also, I can't get past how amazing Danielle Panabaker looks as Killer Frost, obviously regular Caitlin Snow is beautiful but her as Killer Frost just takes it to a whole other level. I really hope we get to see Frost turned back to normal or to see Killer Frost herself turned to a hero or at the least an anti-hero. I know it wouldn't be comic accurate but after all these seasons I really want Caitlin to be a part of team flash rather it be her regular self or Frost. Either way this episode seriously brought me back to the good ol' days of this show and it was such a great feeling.
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The Flash: Duet (2017)
Season 3, Episode 17
Im your Superfrienddddd
21 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So when this episode was first announced i was actually not looking forward to it at all, as i think musicals are completely cringey and awful. But, this episode was actually really fun, i thought it was going to break out into a musical at random times, which it did a few times, but was completely fine, all of these actors Grant Gustin, Melissa Benoist, Jesse L. Martin, John Barrowman, Carlos Valdes, Jeremy Jordan, and Victor Garber all have amazing voices so i couldn't even cringe when it happened. The people who didn't like this episode were the people who already made up their mind before even watching this episode, but i was luckily talked out of my hate for this episode long before it aired. I now have the i'm your superfriend song stuck in my head and will have it on repeat for the next week. Music meister was a satisfying villain to teach them all a lesson, and when it finally clicked for me that Malcolm's son in this episode was named Tommy, it hit me in the feels big time. Definitely a change of pace from the usual flash episodes but if it's not your thing, then it's not your thing, but if go into it a little more open minded you might end up enjoying it a lot like i did.
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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: PTSDee (2017)
Season 12, Episode 7
How can anyone say this show has fallen off?
16 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, they're trying new stuff this season and branching out from their normal routine but i think that is to just challenge themselves as creators. This season is the most diverse by far and i'm still finding myself laughing my ass off every single episode, with last weeks episode being possibly one of the best of the series, this weeks episode did not disappoint. It is always fun to see the rare Mac and Frank duo, Dennis and Charlie do their Daddy and the boy thing, while Dee possibly does the darkest thing she's ever done, just a hilarious episode overall, the last scene almost had me pissing myself. Seriously I question anyone that thinks this show has fallen off, just because they're doing different things. It's hard to believe there is only 3 episodes left in the season. These 10 episodes a season go by so fast but that's okay with me, I would rather take quality over quantity.
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Arrow: Spectre of the Gun (2017)
Season 5, Episode 13
Leave it to Guggenheim to write some organic uneventful trash
15 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
With Flash and LoT being off this week i was hoping for an episode of Arrow to fill that void only to be underwhelmed with an episode of political garbage, the only points of this episode i enjoyed were Rene's backstory, Diggle and Dinah moments, and when Oliver talked about all the people he lost, which hit me right in the feels. Other than that the villain of the week was not even entertaining, just depressing. Guggenheim strikes again, but hey at least we didn't get any olicity garbage shoved down our throats. It was also nice to have Thea back but this episode overall was quite boring, way too much of Guggenheim's political agenda and not enough action.
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