The Flash: Cause and Effect (2017)
Season 3, Episode 21
One of the funniest and most light-hearted episodes in a long time
9 May 2017
For the majority of this episode i was laughing my ass off, just about everything memory-less Barry did was hilarious, i've known for a while that Grant Gustin was an incredibly talented actor but this just sealed the deal. At first when Savitar was revealed i thought i wouldn't be able to take Grant seriously as a villain but he proved otherwise. His actions this episode without his memories really brought me back to the season 1 days, and showed how fun this show can be when it tries not to go all Arrow. Also, I can't get past how amazing Danielle Panabaker looks as Killer Frost, obviously regular Caitlin Snow is beautiful but her as Killer Frost just takes it to a whole other level. I really hope we get to see Frost turned back to normal or to see Killer Frost herself turned to a hero or at the least an anti-hero. I know it wouldn't be comic accurate but after all these seasons I really want Caitlin to be a part of team flash rather it be her regular self or Frost. Either way this episode seriously brought me back to the good ol' days of this show and it was such a great feeling.
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