
3 Reviews
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Nekrotronic (2018)
Gem of fun
17 September 2019
A lot of people apparently have nothing better to do than write reviews of film they mostly, if you actually take the time to understand their critiques, just didn't get. Take Nekrotronic- almost every line, scene and take, is just that magic little bit over the top to let you know to watch it for fun, not to self-importantly have something to write pointless reviews about. And it is delicious fun! No absurd, grandiose, self-gratifying crap that no amount of suspension of disbelief can make you tolerate it; no pretense to subtle moments and revelations that require mastery of acting (although it seems the actors did that one so skillfully most reviewers missed it- I explained it earlier). Just get the popcorn, let the pretentiousness at the door and just have fun! It is more that the Avengers, Spider-Man and X-Men delivered this year put together.
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The Rookie: Greenlight (2019)
Season 1, Episode 16
25 March 2019
Well, I kinda' liked the show- it's mostly the mediocre procedural crap the networks flood the screens every year, but for the sprinkles of genuine quality that dot the episodes here and there; and the thoroughly likeable characters the writers keep putting in once in a blue moon. Create a strong, fierce, intelligent, magnificently badass woman character and then kill it for a cheap moment- what a waste! All the gorgeous writing that could have been done with it and all they could do is reduce the show to a sausage fest and three fill-in female characters. I'm a dude- don't care if it colors my review in any way, but my interest for this show dropped from "could be great" to just above "meh".
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God Friended Me (2018–2020)
People keep missing its point.
12 January 2019
We are a species with a proud tradition of willful ignorance, so the reviews should not surprise me, even in this day and age, yet they do. Mostly because said ignorance tends to have a volume. I admit that the first episodes were a bit hard to tolerate and they are, most likely, the cause of the mentioned volume, but if one knows little, one should stay silent and not shout reviews. This show has the guts to explore subjects in much need of scrutiny and many of them need a very fine balancing act if the series is to survive as a commercial enterprise. Some episodes are not so great at doing it and tend to offend (me included) but we all need rough incentives to think sometimes. Who are we as a community beyond the labels of nation, religion and color? What drive brings us together and what motivates connection, good deeds, communion beyond the motivations supplied until now mostly by religions? We are slowly growing up and growing out of the ideas that held civilization together until now and we need to find new reasons to connect to each other. Simplified, each episode is basically a case study of how we have been reasoning, crystallized in religious views, and the ever-growing complexity of modern reality. Sure, the show is flawed- the tech parts are laughable, the value of religions is sacrosanct and the need for everything to be painless is painful (!) to watch, but a TV series that keeps asking us "What can God do, that and AI can't?" is too priceless to miss. It seems we need to grow the complexity of our concept of God, too. But we all have the sacred right to choose ignorance: if you don't like this show just watch something else, or get religion. I've surely missed things and offended people but I hope this is brief enough.
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