Review of Nekrotronic

Nekrotronic (2018)
Gem of fun
17 September 2019
A lot of people apparently have nothing better to do than write reviews of film they mostly, if you actually take the time to understand their critiques, just didn't get. Take Nekrotronic- almost every line, scene and take, is just that magic little bit over the top to let you know to watch it for fun, not to self-importantly have something to write pointless reviews about. And it is delicious fun! No absurd, grandiose, self-gratifying crap that no amount of suspension of disbelief can make you tolerate it; no pretense to subtle moments and revelations that require mastery of acting (although it seems the actors did that one so skillfully most reviewers missed it- I explained it earlier). Just get the popcorn, let the pretentiousness at the door and just have fun! It is more that the Avengers, Spider-Man and X-Men delivered this year put together.
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