
129 Reviews
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Maid (2021)
This is what REALLY happens to abused women
30 May 2024
I cried like a baby the entire time...

I cried because I've been there. This story is so true and so strong.

If you're not a woman or mom who was subjected to abuse, please don't judge this show.

This show was made to educate all about what really happens, what abuse really is and can be, and the cycle of abuse.

It shows you the reality of the stress of taking care of your child and yourself, work, deal with your abusive ex and his minions and flying monkeys, all the while fighting the system and its pathetic bureaucracies to keep custody of your child, whom you're protecting from a harmful situation.

"Sleeping with the enemy" did it with Julia Roberts, then "Enough" with Jennifer Lopez, and now this, with more nuances which can only fit in a series.

For a great book to get validation, courage and strength, read "Why does he do that"; hands down the BEST book on intimate partner violence.

Kudos to the producers of this show.

THANK YOU (Our society needs this!)
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Mother's Day (I) (2016)
Sorry Julia and Jennifer, I hated the (non-existent) story
12 May 2024
I saw this title flash by as suggested by Netflix, so I thought I'd check it out.

There are some funny moments and a few good moments, but they definitely do not outweigh the absurdity of this film.

Mind you, I feel like all the separate pieces of this mishmash probably had some things in common, namely a mother, mothers, or the lack thereof.

However, it feels like the story writers were trying very hard to fight stereotypes using comedy.

I understand that, but I also believe that some scenes were a little "cringy", as younger people put it these days.

Could have been much better.

Not for me.
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Shaitaan (2024)
Cults & Coercive Mind Control
7 May 2024
First of all, this is a direct remake of "Vash" (2023).

I'm a horror fan but also appreciate meaningful stories.

I'm giving this a 9 because I expected a thriller/horror and it failed to instill that creepiness or chill. I'm not sure why.

However I tried to be patient and it paid off. So, yes, in my opinion, it's about:

  • cults
  • mind-control
  • coercion
  • power of religion
  • seismic
  • free will
  • teens being vulnerable to manipulation

At first, I thought it would be a typical thriller and expected better performances and a chillier story.

Then later I started to realize that the goal here was sonething else totally, so now I'm not so worried about a super creepy performance, although I think the film could have been better.
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Tarot (I) (2024)
6 May 2024
I'm a horror film buff.

There's hardly a well-known horror film that I wouldn't have seen.

It's been quite a while that I've been waiting for a new, but good horror film.

I had moderate expectations going to this film. I had heard that it's not too gory and isn't inappropriate for teens (except for some language etc.). I went to see this at the theatre with my teenager. I'm also familiar with tarot cards and tarot readings so I thought it should be fun. Never seen a horror movie based on tarot cards that I can remember.

We both loved it. It was like the Final Destination films but a lot creepier (more paranormal/supernatural).

This one checked all the boxes for me:
  • atmospheric and tense
  • had enough comedy that made it likeable but didn't take away the scariness
  • really good jump scares
  • good sound and music
  • acting was mostly good, with occasional campiness totally appropriate for the genre.

  • storyline was nice and it made sense (unlike "First Omen 2024"!!!!!).

It was quite new and unique.

A new classic!

Would watch it again!
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Traumatizing for kids
16 April 2024
I think the picture is nice, music is beautiful and the story is ok too, IF IT WERE MADE FOR ADULTS, which is probably why the ratings are high. Traumatised little kids don't write reviews.

* * *


When I was younger (still an adult) I watched it. In my time when we were still kids, unfortunately no one cared about the degree of violence shown in a story or film, especially if they were condoned as religious stories.

Also, as I was already an adult and had heard these stories before, it didn't bother me then. I actually liked the music (although it can be a bit sad sometimes).

* * *


I watched this film a few days ago with my 12 year-old who is quite wise for her age.

After seeing the first violent part (of which there are plenty here), she says mom how can any little kid watch this? Isn't it traumatizing? Then I realized that even though I'm a teacher (and probably wouldn't show it to a primary grade kids), my own upbringing has made me desensitized to this sort of thing, esp. Violence in religious stories. (I mean that in my time adults would talk about violent themes in mythology or religion as if it was no big deal.)

So I tried to look at it again, with the eyes of a mother and teacher who is living in the 21st century... then I was horrified. In this film there is:

  • a baby put into a basket and let go onto the river
  • pictures of babies thrown to alligators
  • pictures of women being dragged by their hair
  • a woman is stolen and "gifted" to the prince
  • firstborn of families, including Pharaoh's son, killed to "teach Pharaoh a lesson"
  • river becomes red with blood
  • blood smeared on doors
  • people being whipped

...and these are just the most violent parts. We're on even mentioning sad music, scare tactics, slavery, pushing a man into a well or down from a structure etc.

* * *

So, if you're an adult, religious, or want to know Moses' story, sure. Go for it. Watch it as an unrealistic revenge story riddled with violence. If you believe Moses was real (it hasn't been historically proven) and want to have a more realistic interpretation of these old folk tales, watch "Exodus" (movie) instead.

However, this is marketed for children, and there I say a great big NO!
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watch IMMACULATE instead. This is weird, unnecessary and full of plot holes
7 April 2024
I am a huge fan of creepy horror and The (original) Omen is one of my favourites especially with its creepy-as-heck score (Ave Satani) which scares me even when I think about it.

I even enjoyed the remake of the original Omen.

However, this film was:
  • not as scary as the original
  • full of weird, meaningless and unexplained scenes
  • story was disjointed and unclear
  • tried too hard to be political
  • unnecessary body horror
  • doesn't work as a proper prequel at all and even creates issues and questions for the original Omen
  • the best part was a few seconds of Ave Satani played in it

I LOVED "Immaculate".

If anyone liked this, they must like weird shots and body horror.

I went with my family and we were mostly chuckling (to keep us from laughing and ruining everyone's mood) throughout the film. Several times we almost left but we thought meh, we might as well sit through it.

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Immaculate (2024)
Do "get thee to a nunnery". This one's good!
30 March 2024
First off, I should say that I'm a big horror fan. I've watched pretty much all the classics, the good, bad and the ugly out there.

Advertised as horror (which it is), this one might seem like "The Nun" at first, but it's not. I cannot really say which one is better, as I enjoyed both. The context, however, is different.

The Conjuring and Nun movies are based in religious belief and the premise that the devil exists. Although I appreciate those films for the horror factor, "Immaculate" was right up my alley.

Age-rating: I often share some creepy films with my tween (after fast-forwarding whatever that's inappropriate), but I honestly think this one should be 16+, mostly for the overall traumatizing violence, pain and suffering, a woman jn labour, burning, mature themes and language.

Paranormal: I was waiting for the paranormal, but there isn't much of that here, but in my opinion, that doesn't make the film any less scary.

Gore: I don't really enjoy gore, but there was a bit of that here (not overdone and not there for the sake of gore).

Religion: I am not religious and so I enjoy movies and shows with a brain that defame religious institutions.

If you're religious though, and you believe all priests are saints, you may not like this film.

Creep factor: pretty good

Jump scares: quite a few

Thriller: yes, very much

Mystery: yup

8/10 What I didn't like very much was the last few seconds. You'll know why after you watch it.

I won't give it away though.

Good film... I'd love to watch it at least one more time.

It's true horror on a whole new level!
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Evil (2019–2024)
Da Vinci code, Stigmata, Medium, Exorcism of Emily Rose and Dexter all mixed together
21 March 2024
Pretty much my type of show!

I love horror, mystery, the paranormal and serial killer shows. This is just the thing to keep me entertained in a Stephen King kind of fashion.

"Evil" is the personification of the actual real-life evil happening in our world.

I'm just finishing season 1 but enjoying it so far.

One thing that I can't comment on yet is whether all loose ends will be tied up at the end. There still seem to be many unanswered questions and I'm hoping that at least by the end of the series we will have an answer to them.

The acting has been great so far in my opinion.

Last but not least, I must say that I find those 4 little girls charming. They add a dimension of fun, family and reality to the film.
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Nefarious (2023)
Not religious, not horror, and great!
18 March 2024
Omg, I kept asking myself where I'd seen Sean Patrick Flanery. I'm a Dexter fan, and after looking him up I remembered: Jacob Elway in Dexter (season 8). I remember liking his acting there too, although he had a less pivotal role there.

...Well, now that I'm thinking about it, I remember that in Dexter he also played both a likeable/innocent character who later became sort of evil, selfish and unsavory.

His performance in Nefarious 2024 was beyond awesome.

Whether he was playing either one of the "personalities" of a mentally ill man, a possessed victim, the Devil himself, or a sane prisoner pretending to be mentally ill, he did it with mastery and excellence, wrapped in a shroud of mystery which leaves you guessing.

I truly enjoyed this movie. With almost no chance of scenery and almost no physical action, the mere conversation between the two main characters had me pinned in my sear the entire time, and is still resonating as an on-going battle between the proverbial "good" and "evil".

I would really recommend this film. It's not necessary about religion, neither it is a supernatural horror film.

It's about all of us as humans, letting or not letting the devil in, in every decision we make everyday.
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Wonderful and Meaningful
21 January 2024
We watched it as a family and we all loved it.

  • Suitable for older kids, I mean as long as they're old enough to be able to mentally process chickens bring processes into nuggets. Although we don't see that happening, it's suggested that it's what the factory does and there are many scenes where the chickens are trying to escape this danger.

  • I also liked the political undertones suggesting governments keeping people's mind, time and energy occupied with superficial pleasures, in order for their capitalist system to bring them more profits.

  • The movie had much more colour than the first one, so I'd say more visually pleasing. It also had just the right amount of funny scenes mixed with the action.

Loved it! Thumbs up!
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Cruise Ship Killers (2020– )
Okay, but wrong title, repetitive, half-fictional with subpar editing
15 January 2024
I'm a frequent listener/watcher of true crime shows.

The good: This show has interesting cases.

Acting seems good.

Narration and voice are good.

Background images are good enough.

Background music is good.

The not-so-good:
  • It's obvious while listening to the interviews that there's a lot that's said and so there seems to be a lot of information available about these cases. It seems like editing has been done in a hurry without knowing the full story or knowing which parts are key. So sometimes an event is referred to in the show that the viewer is supposed to know about, but it was never mentioned. The story doesn't have a good flow at all. This happens more in season 1, but season 2 has its fair share too.

  • Rather than focusing on key events, too much of it is repeated. I do understand that many of these shows are made for tv and after every break there's a short re-cap, but this show goes on for so long that it makes me wonder if I've rewinded by mistake.

  • Names, and even places have been altered. Some of these events have indeed transpired, but not necessarily with the given details and maybe not even on a cruise.

  • Not sure if all the experts interviewed in the series are real or merely actors.

  • Title is definitely wrong: Many of the presented cases are unsolved with no proof that there was even foul play. So this title is implying that the main person of interest is a killer and just not charged. It doesn't seem professional and looks like an attention-grabbing title.

So, if there's no better true crime show out there and you want to watch something, sure, give it a chance, but don't expect a lot and take the info with a grain of salt.
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Dr. Death (2021–2023)
Good but I'm getting dizzy from the flashbacks and flash forwards
15 January 2024
Interesting series. Good acting. Staying close to the true stories.

I must say that I'm not a fan of constant jumping back and forth in the story timeline. Even though I can understand and follow, I personally find it unsettling where I'd have to shift my place vis-à-vis the plot. All of these scenes are date-stamped. Maybe my mind just perfers linear accounts of stories.

For the second season, I enjoyed watching the single-episode documentary "Dr. Death: Cutthroat Conman". There's also a series called "Bad Surgeon: Love under the Knife" which has had high ratings, but I haven't seen it yet.

The stories are definitely compelling, and yet I don't appreciate the title "Dr. Death" for both malpracticing surgeons.

Being a true-crime fan and having numerous stories about so-called "angels of death", I've both read and heard real and fictional stories about certified or sham medical professionals who ended up as serial killers, whether in the name of compassion or just because they were psychopathic murderers.

However, the surgeons in both of these seasons strike me as living in a kind of pathologically fantastic world where they think they are god's, and so in their own blind narcissism or self-delusion, they don't want to accept the truth about their medical failures.

It's sad nonetheless.

Definitely worth a shot.
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Night Swim (2024)
Weak story with plot holes
5 January 2024
The good: It was ok, just ok entertainment at a movie theatre as many scenes were rather suspenseful and there were a number of jump scares, mostly mediocre ones.

It honestly looked liked they put this story together in a rush with no attention to quality, meaning or proper character development.

The story doesn't even make sense as a pure fiction even if you had no expectations of a deeper meaning.

The characters and their actions didn't make sense and the ending didn't either.

There was no reason for many things that happened, and if there were, they were either lost on me or not properly explained to the audience/viewers.

There is also the disturbing theme of sacrifice and it's unclear to me why the story seems to go along with it.

All in all, I'm not unhappy I went to see it with family. We had a fun time. However I think it left us with a feeling of "unfinished business" and unresolved sadness.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
6 for trying - SOLID IDEAS HERE
19 October 2023
I had moderate to slightly high expectations and that's what I got... well, maybe a little less.

I'm no film expert or critique. As a woman, a teacher and a mom, I was happy that Mattel took this step toward addressing the "stereotypical" image of Barbie which is said to have impacted how young girls have judged themselves for many years.

Throughout the recent years, you would see Barbies of various races, but (to my knowledge) always skinny, with pointy feet, fashionable (mostly rather revealing) clothes and a face full of make-up.

So, yes, it remains a question to be answered, but this movie didn't seem like it covered it all.

For example, the film starts with reminding us that pre-Barbie, little girls played with "baby dolls", not an adult, make-up wearing, fashionably-clothed Barbie.

This question is never addressed in the film again.

Even for teens and adults, this film seems like it has so many great ideas, but it doesn't know where it's going.

Plotline seemed a bit convoluted to me.

Lastly, I hope that making this movie was not an effort by Mattel to sell more Barbies.
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The Nun II (2023)
Not nearly as scary as the original Nun (my favourite horror film)
9 October 2023
I'm a die-hard fan of supernatural horror... So with that in mind:

The Nun (original) is the only movie that literally gives me chills, I mean every second of it. Maybe it's the low-pitched chorus or the music or maybe the dread in the eerie silence and the shadows.

This one was not really scary. The story was just ok and it fell into place for me the second time I watched it. However the story was not very strong or symbolic of the devil, whereas in the original Nun evil symbolized war.

I really didn't like the CGI nun face with sharp bloody teeth coming out of the wall. I thought it was silly. Just showing the nun staring scares the wits out of many. We didn't see as many creepy scenes in this one.

It was an okay watch for us, but not nearly as scary as the nun.
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Was mistaknly advtised lke a horror movie
9 October 2023
Well, we fell asleep a couple of times in the movie theater.. Mind you, that theatre has very comfortable reclining seats, to its credit!

The trailer made it look like a supernatural kind of mystery movie, but it wasn't like that at all.

The acting to me seemed forced and not good in general. Heavy British accent didn't really help.

Story seemed convoluted or maybe we were just tired.

We were probably bored because we kept expecting to be scared, but we weren't.

I tried to watch "Death on the Nile" a few years ago when it came out. I tried to like it but I couldn't get past the first scene or so.

Sorry..not for me.
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As a horror fan I only liked the non-horror parts
9 October 2023
I went into the theater with no specific expectations. To be honest I find the original Exorcist to be a good (but unscary) movie so tonight I was acually hoping for a fresh take on it.

The acting was, in my opinion, wow!!!!!! I was surprised at how I had at times tears in my eyes and I had to remind myself that this was fiction!

Characters' evolving and maturing was really great when it concerned the main ones.

However I feel that there were some plot holes or maybe I need to watch it again.

Maybe it was because I'm the parent of a young girl that I was pulled into the story.

I also appreciated the fact that the connection to the original was there (Regan and her mom, verbal references, similar make-up and contortions) but they were not overplayed.


Revisited about a month later: I think the film was unscary and forgettable. I wouldn't want to watch it a second time.
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Misty (1961)
You should go see Chincoteague, VA!
29 July 2023
If you've read the Misty books by Marguerite Henry, or even the modern Misty Inn book series, you'll love this film. It was filmed on the actual Chincoteague and Assateague islands.

We just witnessed the 2023 Annual Pony Swim between Assateague and Chincoteague islands a few days ago, and it was beautiful.

Every year, the Island Theatre on Main Street, Chincoteague shows this movie free for most of Pony Swim week (Pony Swim is traditionally the last Wednesday of July).

You can see Misty's hoof prints in cement in front of the Island Theatre in Chincoteague, and see Misty (taxidermied) in the local Chincoteague museum.

Beebes' ranch is still there. We even visited the Beebes' graves in the Greenwood cemetery.

We have the DVD at home so we can re-watch it whenever we miss Chincoteague.
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The Babadook (2014)
depressing, non-entertaining and not scary
20 July 2023
I totally understand the symbolism of the monster which represents grief and mental illness.

This film is not without meaning, which is why it stays with you for a while. As a mother, it bothered me a lot.

However, most people choose to watch a horror movie to be entertained, not to feel depressed.

Some films combine hidden meanings and symbolism with entertainment and the viewer feels good and satisfies after the film.

This film is more like a festival film. It leaves you feeling heavy at best.

I appreciated it, but didn't enjoy it.

I don't recommend it for anyone who wants to have some fun watching a horror film.
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The Boogeyman (I) (2023)
Weak screenplay, nothing to do with Stephen King's story
7 June 2023
I had not read the story before going to the theatre to watch this, but I really, really wanted to like it!

I'm a fan of good horror.

I'm also a fan of Stephen King's work and most of their film adaptations.

We watched this at the movie theatre. Of course, the big screen and the loud sound effects make it scarier there. However I doubt that I'd want to watch it again at home when it becomes available.

I read the short story after watching the film. The original story has very little to do with the screenplay. The children who are the main characters are not in the original story.

Another element that I didn't like was seeing the actual "monster". Once that happens, the film starts having a "fake" feel for me.

All in all, meh.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
still the same chauvinistic story, harmful to our young
30 May 2023
Well, there was the fact that the cast was more diverse this time, and that was great.

Other than that, I walked out of the theatre after the movie feeling no excitement, nothing. Was it because the story didn't change? I don't think so. Cinderella was re-made and I remember it offered an excitement... Maybe it's that in "The Little Mermaid" (2023) characters weren't really explored. Maybe I expected more? Not sure.

Disney could have seized the opportunity to change up some things. For example, they could have gotten rid of or at least questioned the part where the prince has to "kiss THE girl" in under 3 days... the shotgun weddings, and why does the prince have to decide when to kiss "the girl"?

Disney also upped the ante with longer action/thrill sequences. However I don't have that feeling that I get (like a release or satisfaction) after watching a good film.

Not good.
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Like unhealthy junk food
2 May 2023
Lots of colours No real plot No morale Nothing to take away Too much fighting Not good for kids Not fun for grown-ups

It was giving me a headache. I don't understand why many companies get sucked in by the prospect of short-term profits instead of thinking about their fans. I believe it's cheap that as soon as something (like a toy or game) becomes popular, they make a movie about it and vice versa.

Still, they could have come up with a plot that would make sense and/or teach the kids sonething worthwhile. It was devoid of anything meaningful, even a basic story.

My daughter had wanted to go because many of her grade 5 classmates have watched it. She sort of liked it (in D-Box). I would have fallen asleep if it wasn't for the D-Box chair constantly moving.
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The Tall Man (2012)
Child abduction horribly glorified?
21 April 2023
How could this pass as a film and be allowed to play?

I understand the plight of the children who are born to poor families, may have uneducated parents and not have many toys to play with, but such children need their families of origin more than anything else, obviously.

However, in this film, a woman (Jessica Biel), with the help of others, abducts any children whose parents "she" deems unfit.

Once captured, the kidnapper tells the police that the missing children are all dead, but in reality she creates a new identity for them and has them adopted into "good" families.

Seriously, we're supposed to be pleased with this?

A traumatized, abducted child will have a "good" life with a bunch of strangers who have more money?

* There's also the possibility that this film wanted to question the aforementioned practice. However, if so, their position is not very strong.


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Seemed pointless to me
18 April 2023
There seemed to be a kind of story there, but the characters weren't developed enough for us to care much about them.

So many plot holes, or at least bits and pieces that made little sense, or seemed to have little relevance.

If there was a deeper meaning, it was totally lost on me.

I'm a big-time horror film. I thought I'd give this a chance. However, nah, not really.

I finished the film and wondered why I bothered in the first place.

The story was a little similar to "Exorcism of Emily Rose", which was a far superior movie. The latter is also a court movie and a film where you're invited to draw your own conclusions as to the existence of the devil and god (although it does lean towards the religious side). It's not your typical horror film. You can watch that and compare.
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I fell asleep in a Russell Crowe movie??!!!!
16 April 2023
I have to admit, I went to the theater at the end of my recovery from an illness, and it was late at night, and I was tired, and I'm not in my 20s anymore... BUT I love Russell Crowe's performance no matter where, and I can never miss a good horror movie, and I do enjoy exorcism movies... STILL I fell asleep numerous times during the film, and I'm pretty sure I didn't miss much.

Russell Crowe's foreign accent was not becoming of him, I think. We're used to seeing him in different kinds of roles. The film had far too much in common with The Exorcist to be taken seriously.

I don't know... I really wanted to like it. I guess I'll re-watch once it's released, and maybe then I'll have a different opinion, but for now, this is my rating.

Sorry Russell Crowe.
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