Review of Dr. Death

Dr. Death (2021–2023)
Good but I'm getting dizzy from the flashbacks and flash forwards
15 January 2024
Interesting series. Good acting. Staying close to the true stories.

I must say that I'm not a fan of constant jumping back and forth in the story timeline. Even though I can understand and follow, I personally find it unsettling where I'd have to shift my place vis-à-vis the plot. All of these scenes are date-stamped. Maybe my mind just perfers linear accounts of stories.

For the second season, I enjoyed watching the single-episode documentary "Dr. Death: Cutthroat Conman". There's also a series called "Bad Surgeon: Love under the Knife" which has had high ratings, but I haven't seen it yet.

The stories are definitely compelling, and yet I don't appreciate the title "Dr. Death" for both malpracticing surgeons.

Being a true-crime fan and having numerous stories about so-called "angels of death", I've both read and heard real and fictional stories about certified or sham medical professionals who ended up as serial killers, whether in the name of compassion or just because they were psychopathic murderers.

However, the surgeons in both of these seasons strike me as living in a kind of pathologically fantastic world where they think they are god's, and so in their own blind narcissism or self-delusion, they don't want to accept the truth about their medical failures.

It's sad nonetheless.

Definitely worth a shot.
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