
7 Reviews
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Religulous (2008)
This documentary was lower-key that I expected.
23 February 2009
It's fun to read the reviews, because I found this movie on the safe side. Sure Bill Maher interviewed some people on the edge, but I've seen and heard extremists far more radical than any that Maher interviewed. I think he was more concerned with showing what the MASSES believe.

Maher repeatedly says he doesn't know. He isn't trying to provide anyone "an answer" but rather showing how people find and cling to their particular "answer." He was also generally polite, although it's tricky because the more serious the believer, the less humor they seem to have. So they become the straight man to Maher's comedy. He basically just asked questions. If trying to answer those questions makes someone's beliefs appear silly - is it the fault of the questioner? Besides, he didn't twist anyone's arm to speak with him. Each person interviewed agreed to be in the film.

I give Religulous a 7, because as a documentary, I'd have liked to see more information, and as for laughs, I was expecting something a little funnier. At least there were some gems under the special features (such as his monologues) that provided additional laughs.
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Eight Below (2006)
7.3 ? - Are you kidding me?
7 February 2009
I have seen many films that I liked, that only received a 6.8 in here, and thus I have until now considered IMDb members to vote rather conservatively.

But a 7.3? Seems like Disney has many, many, "reviewers" working for them. This movie is BAD in so many ways that it's easy to lose count. In addition to being slow, and dull, they did not even try to show any realism. - Where are the daunting snow storms? Why is so sunny during the season where it is dark 23 hours out of the day? And why are the dogs being so polite? They show near-starving dogs catching a bird, and then passing the dead bird off to each other - "Here, you take it." "No, really. I couldn't. You take it." "No No No No. YOU take it."

How is it that when people are stranded, they may revert to the behavior of "lesser" animals, while these dogs act especially proper and polite? "Dewey has just slipped down the hill. Let us go help him!" If they were going to expend such precious energy trekking down to see (the now dead) Dewey - perhaps it would be to partake in their first real meal.

The "true story" this was based upon was a 1958 Japanese expedition to the South Pole. They left behind 15 Sakhalin Huskies (which they could not return for, due to bad weather), for eleven months. Two survived.

There was no scientist who found a "rare meteorite from the planet Mercury," nor one who dropped down an embankment, cracking through the ice requiring a dog rescue - ("Timmy fell down a very cold well. Bring him this rope Lassie!") nor any of the rest of his storyline. The writers could have done so much better. At least the beautiful and talented dogs remain blissfully unaware of the poorness of this movie.
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Ghost Town (I) (2008)
2 January 2009
I like Ricky Gervais, but I have found him much funnier than in this movie, which is just a retread of various (better) movies. Perhaps if he were to write his own material. Tea Leone and Greg Kinnear had little to work with, which was a waste of both their talents.

There were not enough laughs, and some scenes were painful to watch - such as their discussion over the contents of the pot accompanying the mummy, and when Gervais' character was mocking Chinese names. (And it's not about political correctness, but rather simply not being funny). The one time I laughed out loud was when Gervais' character went looking for interrogation advice from his ethnic work associate.

This movie is okay, with some amusing moments and actors who are at least fun to watch. But there is nothing novel in the movie, and the ending is weak. I also miss not seeing what happened with the naked ghost.
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30 December 2008
Too bad they don't have a "no star" vote. This movie is that bad. I watched "March of the Penguins" on video with a group of friends, and the ad lib comments made by our group were funnier than any of those made in this "Farce" version.

Not only is this film not funny, it is not even interesting. The clips they use are a mishmash of penguins from various parts of the world - few of which match the dialog that accompanies them. The dialog is lame, and not funny in the least.

I cannot give a review the entire movie, as I had to leave the room 30 minutes in. (And only made it the first half hour to be kind to our host that night). When I returned near the end, I learned that it became even more mind-numbingly boring through the endless repetition of both images and bad jokes.
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This one is no knee slapper, but rather a forehead slapper.
30 December 2008
What were they thinking? This movie is a mess. The story is undeveloped, disjointed and contradicts itself, the characters are one-dimensional cartoons and the jokes are cliché and forced. The editing is also bad, and the soundtrack is poor, especially for an Adam Sandler production.

While calling itself a comedy, I didn't laugh out loud once during this movie. There were some brief amusing moments (but few and far between) and certainly not enough of them to pick up this dog of a movie.

Anna Faris did well within her limited role, although I was distracted by her overwrought collagen lips. I hope she finds herself a better movie next time (and a better cosmetic surgeon). Or better yet, that she just leaves her face alone.
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Some funny parts, but not great.
23 December 2008
I laughed out loud a few times during this movie. But from seeing the trailer, I was hoping for much more.

While it was amusing to see Brad Pitt acting stupid, he was overacting - and so it's just a "forced stupidity" that we see. However, the last expression he makes in the film is priceless.

Frances McDomrmand was great to watch, as always. George Clooney as a somewhat-geeky habitual internet dater was a fun turn. John Malkovich was annoying to listen to, as usual. Some rather innocent characters were harmed during the filming of the movie, (although it's not a surprise, coming from the Coen bros.) I give it a six.
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The Women (I) (2008)
Waste of time.
23 December 2008
This movie is not a comedy. It is not even funny in the "this movie is so bad it's funny" department. Rather, it is just plain bad. Other reviewers mention the bad lighting, but beyond that is the abundance of bad plastic surgery.

Meanwhile, a lot of great acting talent was wasted on a poor screenplay and uninspired direction. The main characters are one-dimensional and boring. (It is hard to feel sympathy for any of them). It is also hard to see the four characters as close friends. It seems like just a bunch of women thrown together, pretending to be close.

I won't list all of the problems with this movie, as it doesn't merit that much of anyone's attention. (Nor is it worth the time it takes to watch it).
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