30 December 2008
Too bad they don't have a "no star" vote. This movie is that bad. I watched "March of the Penguins" on video with a group of friends, and the ad lib comments made by our group were funnier than any of those made in this "Farce" version.

Not only is this film not funny, it is not even interesting. The clips they use are a mishmash of penguins from various parts of the world - few of which match the dialog that accompanies them. The dialog is lame, and not funny in the least.

I cannot give a review the entire movie, as I had to leave the room 30 minutes in. (And only made it the first half hour to be kind to our host that night). When I returned near the end, I learned that it became even more mind-numbingly boring through the endless repetition of both images and bad jokes.
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