
10 Reviews
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Oi dau dai (2008)
Horrible misleading title. Much better than expected
13 August 2010
What possessed them to translate this title to "See You in You Tube" is beyond me. I guess they figured just by putting You Tube in the title, they would attract viewers. You Tube comes into play about 15 minutes before the film ends and is not that important to the story. I'm not even sure if the people who released the film on DVD watched the movie before releasing it. The description on the OFFICIAL Region 3 release is not what the movie is about. It's almost like they had a script and did a bunch of press releases. Then they changed their minds, rewrote most of the film, and no one cared to notice. So what's it about? The main gist of the story is two friends that have been very competitive since they were young. In school and other competitions, they are at each others throats. Outside of that, they are still best friends. They both end up attending a scam video class because they think the guy is attractive. There is an odd exchange between both girls separately and the main guy at the beginning that is never really touched on again. Did they recognize him? I suppose it doesn't matter. Onward with the plot... The scammer is trying to raise money to pay the doctor bill for his sick girlfriend. He decides to get the girls to make two teams and do ridiculous things to win this competition. His goal is to make it into a film, post it up and get noticed for it so he can make money in the film industry. The bulk of the film is all the antics the teams are put up to. Some of them are quite funny and even cringe worthy. **MINOR SPOILER** The scenes where the guys have to try to do normal things while dressed up as a robber are HILARIOUS. **END SPOILER** Of course there are ridiculous amounts of eye candy. These gals give the Twins a serious run for their money on the extreme cuteness factor. The acting is typical for this type of movie.

I can't imagine anyone going into a movie called "See You in You Tube" with very high expectations. I think most viewers will be surprised. It's certainly not a great film, but more entertaining than most in this genre. Enjoying silly Asian films in general will help you get some more mileage out of this film. Give it a shot if you stumble across it.
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Dai mo wai (2004)
More nonsense from the EEG
26 December 2005
I think I am scoring this movie a tad too high by giving it a 3 but no movie with the Twins in it, no matter how atrocious or how small their part is, will ever get less than a 3. I can't do it. They do, of course, have the greatest scenes from the film. There is only one or two jokes that actually work in the film so do not expect to laugh much. Just look forward to the 5 minutes of screen time you will get from Charlene and Gillian. The rest is just makes no sense and none of the 36 plot holes are filled...ever. What do you expect from the EEG though? A masterpiece? It will never happen. Just hope they keep putting the Twins in films no matter how bad.
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Umizaru (2004)
3 October 2005
And by Journey I mean the band. Yes this movie about Coast Guard divers plays Journey's hit "Open Arms" 3 times! If that weren't enough amazement, the score for this film is literally the same song for EVERY scene. I could hum along about 30 minutes into the film every time the score kicked in. Those were my observations. It was so funny and annoying that it kind of took away from the seriousness of the film and made me enjoy it less. It's not a bad film, and I would even say that it is worth seeing but I wouldn't go to any lengths to seek it out (as it is not available in the US yet). As I have read, it has been turned into a TV show in Japan and that makes sense because the whole 120 minutes seemed like a pilot for TV show.
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Where's the 3-d?
26 May 2005
This movie doesn't really need a review. If you have a boy between the ages of 5 and 12, you are probably going to have/get to see this film so here's what to expect:

More of the same... only less. Sorry if that doesn't make sense but it will. More of the same because it's just like "Spy Kids 3-D" on the way it looks and unfold. It looks like a video game and is very predictable. Less is because there is, unfortunately, hardly any good 3-D sequences. Nothing pops out at you the way it did in SPY KIDS except for when someone sneezes or throws something, and that is not too often. The 3-D in the action scenes was poor and barely noticeable. You can't expect too much from the RED AND BLUE 3-D but this was a step backwards from SPY KIDS.

The good news is that you will probably not get a headache from the 3-D like SPY KIDS. My 6 year old loved it and did not say a word throughout (a minor miracle), so i guess it does what it is supposed to do. Entertain the kids.
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brilliant... for most
23 April 2005
For those whom have read the book(s), you will love this movie. Not because it's just like the book, but because it is just as entertaining and insane and outrageous. And it's probably not anything that you would have expected or pictured when reading the book. It's better.

Amazingly, it was not defiled by Hollywood like most great books are. It's crammed into 110 minutes, but it is probably the most odd, random and ridiculously funny 110 minutes of the year.

The cast is almost perfect. Mos Def is a better choice than i would of expected, Sam Rockwell is great (as usual), and I can't see anyone else better to play Arthur than Martin Freeman now that I have seen the film. Oh yeah, the 3 second cameo from Jason Schwartzman is superb.

I wasn't sure if folks whom haven't read the book would enjoy it as much, but I'm sure they did from the amount of uncontrolled laughter they emitted frequently at the screening.

Well done chaps.
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painful... to watch
12 August 2004
This is a painfully awful film. I've seen worse, but not lately (It's worse than CATWOMAN, even!). I usually find something good to write about in all the Asian films I watch, especially the Korean comedies. This one has absolutely nothing. It's not funny, it's not romantic, and i already have 4 year old that whines all day long, so why would i want to kill nearly 2 more hours of my day listening to a grown man do it. The only saving grace is the lead actress, but unfortunately it is for her beauty and not her acting.

Save your dollars for the "better" comedic films like "My Wife is a Gangster", "100 Days with Mr. Arrogant" or even "Please Teach Me English". Your brain will thank you (maybe).
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It's funny and isn't that why you watch?
1 August 2004
Do you really expect much from Korean comedies? Does anyone watch them expecting a great and innovative film? NO. You know going in that 99% of them are very dumb, often with sick humor or unintelligible plots. How can you expect much more.

With that in mind, this is one of the funniest, dumb, sick humored and unintelligible Korean romantic comedies I've seen. If you haven't been privileged enough to watch a Korean comedy yet, this may not be the place to start.

The lead actress is annoying (and they usually are in these types of films), but you can't help but laugh sometimes. The supporting cast delivers some great laughs as well.

If you are a fan of the genre then you will not be disappointed. If not, then you've stumbled on this web page by accident and you should run away VERY fast. You don't know what you're getting yourself into.
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Oh! Haepi dei (2003)
you can't help but laugh...
23 June 2004
...but is it because it is funny or is it because of the insane, over-the-top performance of Na-Ra Jang (Ms. KONG). There isn't one second of her screen time where she isn't making a funny face (and by funny i don't necessarily mean that you will laugh). There is really no chemistry between her and Jeong-cheol Park (KIM). Somehow, though, i sat through the whole thing and found myself laughing. There were a couple really funny moments and couple chuckles. There were also parts where i could tell it was supposed to be funny, but something was obviously lost in translation. Unfortunately that happened too often and the movie became confusing at points. But since this is a mindless romantic comedy, you soon forget the inconsistencies and take it for what it is. I would only recommend it for you crazies (like me) who can't get enough of Asian romantic comedies. I know they will never catch on in the US... and maybe rightfully so.
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they got it right this time
21 July 2003
First off let me say that I usually watch movies like this to rip them apart and pick out the insane amount of flaws. So i just got thru watching this film, and i was expecting to be disgusted by corny action scenes, a thoughtless script and a ridiculous ending. Much to my surprise, i found none of that to be true. There were less action scenes than the first, but the quality of the scenes was much higher and less gimmicky. The story was much more believable and fun than the first. The villain wasn't unbelievably maniacle or grotesque. And best of all, I forgot i was watching a movie based after a video game. The special effects are not distracting at all and are quite good in parts. And the scary monsters you see in the trailers... hands down the best scene in the movie. Quite frightening and unexpected. It's by no means a masterpiece, but how many action flicks are? If you disliked the first film and have no desire to see this one, I urge you to reconsider. You may just forgive Jan De Bont for SPEED 2.

Nevermind... that's impossible.
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"The Real World" with T&A and T&A and T&A...
22 April 2003
If you are expecting "Girls Gone Wild" you will be disappointed. If you just can't get enough of "The Real World", and wish they wouldn't edit the profanity or sex, there will be no finer film for you this year. It's actually quite entertaining in a sickening sort of way, but i'd feel bad recommending it to anyone. There are no moments of brilliance or any majestic forever-remembered sceens, but it's funny watching these idiots. You certainly should know in advance if you want to see this movie or not, so a review seems ridiculous...
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