Oh! Happy Day (2003)
you can't help but laugh...
23 June 2004
...but is it because it is funny or is it because of the insane, over-the-top performance of Na-Ra Jang (Ms. KONG). There isn't one second of her screen time where she isn't making a funny face (and by funny i don't necessarily mean that you will laugh). There is really no chemistry between her and Jeong-cheol Park (KIM). Somehow, though, i sat through the whole thing and found myself laughing. There were a couple really funny moments and couple chuckles. There were also parts where i could tell it was supposed to be funny, but something was obviously lost in translation. Unfortunately that happened too often and the movie became confusing at points. But since this is a mindless romantic comedy, you soon forget the inconsistencies and take it for what it is. I would only recommend it for you crazies (like me) who can't get enough of Asian romantic comedies. I know they will never catch on in the US... and maybe rightfully so.
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