Doll House (2020) Poster

(I) (2020)

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howcome they make rubbish like this
ops-5253523 March 2020
I tend to ask myself, have the british filmakers totally forgotten how to make film of horrors? the ''doll house'' is yet an example of amateur filmaking, slow burning non horrific acting, terrible plot and a so worn out way of storytelling. there is a devil in the house, but in which house.....

its a lot of muteness in this feature, but it is so overdramaticized that it wont gag to engagement, with lots of flashbacking, and sound effects used in the 70's the exorcist,its so lame and low on quality, i cant believe it.

the grumpy old man doesnt recommend.
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Deserves A ZERO! This Is Total Rubbish!!!
zac-6827423 March 2020
10 minutes in with the fan blowing paper around and the psychic walking like Frankenstein talking like Linda Blair was definitely a NO for me! This is the worst British cast movie ever!!!
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Close to 1, but I'll give it a 2.
Patient44424 March 2020
Wow oh Wow was this an experience or what?!? I mean how is it possible that such a script was approved and developed is beyond me, and anyone who has seen a horror production before will completely agree.

Sure, a small budget has a huge impact on a movie, it takes a lot of cutbacks, lack of quality and so on, but come on, first of all, the real problem is the plot. Already used far too many times, we get to see the same old formula with some pretty weird scenes. Lots and plenty of such actions on screen that make little sense, others as cringy as they get and some simply and sadly, laughable. Of course I appreciate indie horror, every actor/director has to start somewhere, building up, but at least start from ground 0 and not so underground. I don't think that a movie like Doll House can count as experience, because it is a complete fail, so if the people involved in the making of it managed to learn from this mistake, then just maybe something good did come out of it.

As the other reviews said, a bad little movie sadly, and definitely not something to recommend.

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Oh dear. Worst movie of 2020
ebookgamer6 April 2020
Jennifer Leahey who I've never heard of, has a lot of talent. Toyah should stick to dramas. Now for the film review. WORST MOVIE I HAVE SEEN. I should win every Golden Raspberry award. I assume those who wrote and made the film were college students with no money? A few seconds here and there in the way of filming, were good, but 5 X 30 seconds doesn't save this film. Bad acting (apart from two actors mentioned) and an awful script. Even the doll house isn't the same as in the marketing posters and cover!
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Worst movie I think I've ever seen!
abigould-0398925 April 2020
I paid £5.00 for what is probably the worst movie I think I've ever seen. I am actually shocked that they think they can sell this to the public. Terrible acting, and it looks like the whole thing is filmed on a camcorder. Before you buy it, just remember, you'll never get those 86 minutes of your life back.
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Don't waste your time..!
SunnySonnie26 March 2020
I don't even know what else could I wrote here.. the budget was definitely pretty low, the acting is bad, but not worse than the script itself. The story is weak, and boring.. I think that's all I can say. Do not waste your time to watch it!
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I felt embarrassed for myself watching this.
OllieSuave-00722 October 2022
The summary of this UK movie sounded intriguing - a girl moves into a foster home with a doll she couldn't be without, and strange things take place as a result. But what really takes place is some very awful acting. The actors lacked emotion and suspense, and some sounded as if they were reading off of a script. The psychic lady tried to be dramatic but fell flat on her face; the Heather girl couldn't be more stoic; the foster kid was annoying; and the maintenance guy was just too weird to be weird. I can't help but think they were theatre school students who haven't overcome their amateur status.

I agree with one reviewer's comment stating this movie looked like it was filmed using a handheld camera. The music sounded haunting but was out-of-place for the movie scenes. The plot was slow. Just about everything about this movie was bad.

Grade F.
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Beyond my understanding
stacy_bep23 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, in the opening title we have all the plot laid out with the dolls in the doll house. we already know what will happen.. Wow! but let's watch... so that is the story here? where does this girl wit the doll come from? we'd never know. where does the doll come from? we'd never know. why is entity so interested in Emma's house and what's the deal with her? we'd never know. Some scenes are gory, but am I scared? No, I know already what's going to happen.. then how does it end? I'm not sure, she burns the doll, breaks the little mini-me doll and the big scary entity and the girl just disappear all together? Now Emma got her voice back and would give the doll house away for free????? And what about the psychic?

I CANNOT believe this movie was developed and produced the way it is script-wise.

ONLY thing worth mention is the music, sounds like and Argento's first movies.
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Boring and bad directed
scormohd28 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
No story, nothing linked, bad casting and very bad ending without any conclusion
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Terrible and embarrassing
Davethepainter4 May 2020
This is the worst film I've ever seen, the story is stupid, the actors are unbelievably rubbish, if it had a budget of more than £100 it was wasted, I honestly wished I'd feel asleep.
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tomthumb-4986413 January 2021
There's a song in here that I adore and can't find anywhere. When the 3 girls are having their girly night. Please help!
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Classic British Horror
mclouis7 April 2020
A quirky fun film with a mix of known and upcoming cast. Low budget fun with a great storyline to tie it all together. Give it a watch!
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Well made British Horror
singhlall18 August 2020
I don't fully understand some of the low ratings for this film. If you have seen independent horror films you will appreciate the fast pace, good performances and genuine jump/scare moments. Some good effects and well worth a watch.
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had to switch off before the film was finished - AWFUL
susansanger-580737 March 2022
Worst film and acting I have ever seen, you get far better performances in any school play than this.... it was so cringy that I had to switch it off after shaking my head in disbelief during the first half. Do not waste your time.
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kb-6255120 April 2020
This movie was a bit of a hard sit for me. I found myself dawdling, doing other things, not paying attention and wondering at a scene change, "now how did THAT happen, what's that all about?" then back the movie up a bit and still not know what gives. This could have sorely done with an editor. Though, I suspect the production and technical crew were as bored as the audience, the end credit sequence is laden with every snarky sardonic joke that I hope blew off some steam for somebody. I suspect Gaz De Vere. Or as the Post It notes (uncredited sponsor?) said, "Gaz is a c#nt!" So, it's somebody's tax shelter. I've seen worse. But it could have been better.
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Oh my god, how can someone make a film like this?
ifret10 August 2020
I normally don't write reviews but I've seen a few reviews with good grades for this movie and I wasn't able to restrain myself... This is really a piece of sh@t...

Horrible camera work, horrible acting, damn the film itself is the horror of the movie...

Watch at your own risk!!
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So Horrible I Couldn't Make It
wandernn1-81-68327430 December 2020
I turned it off with 18 minutes left. It was so SO SO BAD. Terrible.
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LouBeale7 October 2020
So how far did you get? We lasted a good half hour or so. Aside from the awful writing and dreadful camera work, this film contains possibly the worst actors I've ever seen on film. Like, everyone is bad. Really, really bad.

I'd be willing to put money on the only good reviews for this being from those who unfortunately made it.
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Steer clear guys.. Really!
graememassey18 September 2020
Look this is awful... No fear created at all, films so bright all over the place that you don't get the chance to let's your imagination run wild which is sorely needed in this dreadful film. Strange pauses or slow walking by the cast I can only imagine are designed to generate suspense or fear but only comes across as weird and out of place. Not a lot of character in the housemates which leaves you wondering why your still watching this. Such low budget you imagine it was made in a couple of hours.
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Bad teeth and Big ego.
aocsincher7 May 2020
Most brit films have an abundance of mediocre actors trying to impose a lifestyle on he masses. Lord this, Lady that, Earl and Countess them, it is all hogwash and quite frankly belongs in the rubbish bin. In the opening scene, the woman in red dress did have rather big t t t's.
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saskiasheridan29 March 2020
A great watch! Great cast! Recommend 100%!!

Scary, jumpy moments & nice moments too, hooking story.
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Don't judge a book by it's cover 😩
dankcaprice17 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Giving an honest review so, ah..

The film's storyline is actually great, predictable like any other dollhouse based film. The execution however? I couldn't tell if this film was supposed to be horrifically hilarious and satire Sarah Dorsett who played a mute woman was genuinely the best actress this entire film, the only person who carried this for me, apart from the only sentence she said sounding ultimately cringe-worthy and expected.

The lady who played the murderous child, bless her poor soul, I'd be mad too if someone had wiped essentially and eyeliner pen over my face and told me that I was now, the scariest character in this film. I wanna know who gave this child an axe? A creepy doll? The lack of questions to randomly appeared doll houses in the house before she moved in besides there being literally no other furniture? How were the bodies not found? She literally left them laying around the house, to decompose, the attic already had a problem with rotting but there was no concept actually behind it? The dollhoises didn't even match the house, I'm pretty sure I owned the same one in pink although as a kid This film was very much like my thinking, like random branching off little sidelinings of detail, suggesting some kind of plot thickening story line, but no, there was no thickness, just limpness I have so many question's about anything and everything

This gives FX makeup straight from the 70s, the whole 90s/2000s forced 'jumpscare' kinda vibes.

But now, the life saving part, THE CREDITS! I do not know what humourous being had written those credits but they are the reason I'm giving 10 stars. The "concept - what concept?" and special thanks to the aldi, lidl and domino's - true hero's of course. Whoever you are kind stranger, thank you for making my endurance of this, so much better. It sounded like you were as done with this film-make as much as the first kid to get murdered in this sounded as done in any sentence he was supposed to say.

Anyway y'all, totally worth the watch from a comedic sense, even if it's still to vague even then, but a horror? Nowhere near.
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Don't watch this.
ashvinibalajee22 July 2020
What the hell did I just watch? There was no story, the actors were horrible and all together it just looked like a few students creating a movie for their project!
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A very Good film to watch!
nicknaviner28 March 2020
I really enjoyed the film, the cast was great and also thought the story was very interesting and believeable. A Great horror film to watch! ....Well done....
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Wow, the best moment at the end, when the doll was burned, and when I sold the house, the movie is great. Why do people not like these films, and I am a fan of British horror Warning: Spoilers
Wow, the best moment at the end, when the doll was burned, and when I sold the house, the movie is great. Why do people not like these films, and I am a fan of British horror movies.
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