"The Twilight Zone" Point of Origin (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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Another over dramatization of a great topic
RubinChe22 May 2019
Why are they doing this... This is boring as hell. This is coming from a guy who completely agrees with the political message... I mean twilight zone use to make me energized, ready to take action, awake. This one is making me fall asleep, and on such an important topic as well. "Sigh"
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A real missed opportunity
theoneandonlyhyperdriver1 November 2020
What could have been a great episode is ruined by yet another heavy handed message, this time immigration gets it's turn
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Another Too-Long Sermon
scardini-128902 March 2023
I'm late to the party in watching the New TZ, but I have to agree with most who say the writing is flat and shows are way too long. Point of Origin was the most tolerable of the S1 episodes I've watched, but the story just went on and on long after the point had been made. This would have been OK if we were being led to a Serling-like ending twist, but alas, the story just ran its course and ended. Of course, the only message the writers cared to get across was "Anti-Immigration" attitudes are bad. It's really quite sad that they have so little a grip on the economic realities of immigration control.
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So incredibly on the nose, it's painful.
mmfour17 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't mind that the series tackles hot button political issues. I'm pretty sure that my ideologies line up completely with the writers. My problem is how they spoon feed the audience. I can imagine the writers room: "Let's do an episode commenting on immigration" - "ok we should start off with a Latin immigrant housekeeper who gets deported", "oh, and have rich white ladies talk about their illegal immigrant housekeepers too", "let's also make sure we mirror ICE, the detention centres from the news....", "and we'll have the song, this land is your land", "and talk about it in the narrations just incase the parallels aren't clear ENOUGH", we get it! How about approaching the story from a unique angle? Have the "in" to the episode be, oh I don't know... Unexpected, original...? If all this wasn't a big enough sin, this episode was painfully boring.
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Another disappointment
Bullboy0117 May 2019
Once again the new TZ lets us down. I have no problem with the issues presented on these new episodes, but why do we have to be preached to each week? The writing is once again a major problem. The original Twilight Zone was renown for its heartfelt scripts, great dialogue and clever twist endings. Not every episode had a surprise ending, but enough of them did to make that a hallmark of the show. There hasn't been a decent twist in any of the episodes of this reboot so far, and this is number 8 of the series. 'Point Of Origin', like most of the past weeks on this show telegraphs its ending long before it arrives, and the writing is so flat that in its efforts to be thought-provoking it leaves me with a big 'that's it?'. This show doesn't hold a candle to the original TZ, and pales in comparison to Black Mirror, the show that is the definitive torchbearer of the Twilight Zone legacy.
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I'm really starting to regret getting a CBS subscription just for this.
Slade_W17 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm starting to grow very frustrated with this new series. I paid for a CBS subscription just to watch the series because I was such a fan of the old one. And up until now I've been forgiving, painfully forgiving. Thinking that it might get better but who am I kidding? 8 episodes in with only 2 episodes left and we're still met with mediocrity. Strip away the politics and such and you pretty much have a missed opportunity. This could've been the most mind blowing episode ever but instead it's a misfire. The lady gets detained, finds out she's from another dimension, is jailed and tricked to reveal more pilgrims, escapes and.........is captured and locked right back up again? What a horrible payoff for such a promising episode. There were so many possibilities they could've gone with how to end the episode and they went with the cheapest, easiest and most uncreative. Why should I dedicate 45 minutes of my day watching this when the payoff ends up being just mediocre? This episode was as poised if not more than the others to deliver a good old fashioned Og Twilight zone twist but instead it's just...nothing. But why? If the focus when making the episode was to not make a good episode with a satisfying twist ending then what was the focus? I feel like the writers need to get their priorities straight and move away from pushing certain things forward instead of making quality episodes.
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Let's Get One Thing Straight...
RBehndleman19 May 2019
Ok, yes, these episodes are not very well written and absolutely spoon-feed the political messages across (all of which I have been 100% politically aligned with). But, the commenters saying things like "stop the politics in The Twilight Zone" miss the entire point of the original series. Rod Serling was 100% controversial with his political messages back in the day. TZ was all about the political message. Those who complain just don't know what they're talking about.
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I'm done!
tubeman-nicholson17 May 2019
I've seen enough, they had a nerve calling this they Twilight Zone. Rod Serling deserves an apology!
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Maybe some redemption for the show.
atwiththestars22 May 2019
This felt like the original series. The first quarter of the episode felt like they were going to go all preachy about immigration and the rich versus the poor, but they managed to move it in a direction that made a more universal point about people in general. Everyone is a stranger to everyone, and sometimes even themselves.
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not again
darkunft17 May 2019
Please try to avoid politics. i am "on your side" (if there are sides) on every issue presented in the TZ so far, but it is so painful to watch. i almost want "to be on the other side". in my opinion you are the Alice Schwarzer of TV and dividing us all more with your show.
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Right wing nuts heads are exploding!
GlassCityPlayboy28 January 2020
This is a great example of putting yourself in other's shoes. Plain and simple , if you don't like the show stop watching it. ¯\__/¯ 🤣😂🤣😂
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Mass fake downrating of great episode
random-7077819 January 2020
Almost all the low ratings/reviews of this episode seem to be from one crank. The vast majority from single use accounts created right after the airing of the episode. this is episode is in fact probably one of the more subtle, intelligent and even handled of an issue contemporary and historic issue -- it it is one of the episodes KNOWN to mirror Rod Serling work and thoughts
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Felt unfinished
bangel332217 May 2019
Again another PC episode. The show needs to cool down a bit. Trying to take current issues and make sci-fi stories out of them. However there were too many questions leftover and so for me this story didn't feel complete. Nevertheless it was still an interesting idea.
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Bad Story Telling, Again
dhenderson-917 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The family housekeeper is picked up for her illegal alien status. As a parallel, the white employers are abducted by the government. I'm sure this was a dream come true for the producers.

Peele mentions in his self-righteous opening remarks that the lead character views the world from a bubble of comfort, safety and privilege. Unlike Peele, who is worth a mere $12 million. There's no comfort, safety and privilege there, right?

The actual message is OK: if you enter a country - nearly any country - illegally, then there will be consequences. Don't expect those countries to welcome you. For instance, good luck getting into New Zealand even if you're comfortable, safe and privileged. Their immigrations laws are extremely strict. Canada too. They'll even give you a hard time if you're crossing the boarder to do some work there much less trying to move there and take Canadian jobs.

To their credit, this episode was quite a bit shorter than previous. That was an enormous plus. However, the idiocy of the episode lies in the way the story is told. At the grocery store there are many customers waiting in line and only one lane open. It happens, but it's rare. The customers are verbal and complaining about a mother and her two children. Seldom are people that impatient and rude. A Guatemalan housekeeper knows about secret doors in the ladies' room that lead to secret hallways that eventually lead to exits. Weak. The lead character gets help to escape, they take her home and she's immediately found out. And her husband and kids turn on her. Pretty unbelievable from the kid perspective.

In closing, Peele sums this broken narrative up by saying we're all immigrants from somewhere. If you've ever moved from one place to another, that's true. But, since the show tied this to the Guatemalan illegal, what we're talking about here is not immigration, but illegal immigration. So his point is pointless.

Kudos, though, on James Frain cast as the US official. First of all, he's an incredible actor whose back catalog deserves perusal if you're not familiar with him. Second, he's English, which proves that America does welcome immigrants, as long as they come legally.

Unfortunately, even with a decent message, it comes down to storytelling skills, which this show has proven over and over it does not have. This could have been told inside of 20 minutes and it would have been tighter and better. Dragging it out, even to just 41 minutes, was close to painful since the writing is so weak. I doubt they intended the message to be strongly against illegal immigration, but it was. The writing was just so bad that, even with the heavy-handed narrations, it's hard not to see the truth rather than what they intended.
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The Writing Just Keeps Getting Worse
boris_unanimate2 June 2019
Welcome to one of the worst written TV show episodes ever. Instead of taking a subject like refugees fleeing oppression and seeking a better life, and making it into a great episode with a worthwile learning experience for everyone, the new Twilight Zone show degrades the experience of refugees with this portrayal.

As if white people could only empathize with the hardships of immigrants and refugees if they see it happen to one of their own. This is humiliating to both white Americans and immigrants because it makes everyone look like a caricature. Whoever wrote this should be banned from making movies and TV, just like the creators of the new Twilight Zone.
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what's the moral message here
howboutthisone_huh21 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
That native americans should have been more accepting of the europeans when they immigrated to the americas? The production quality is very good but unfortunately within a few minutes you know where the story is going and how it will end so not that entertaining. The old twilight zone show was about breaking down stereotypes but this one seems to be all about boosting them up and passing them off as the real world.
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Point of Origin
bobcobb30122 May 2019
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This is another episode that could have been good had it just dialed back the political propaganda even a little bit.

Ginnifer Goodwin did her best, but the material was just weak. This is not Twilight Zone quality.
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Maybe some redemption for the show.
atwiththestars19 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This felt like the original series. The first quarter of the episode felt like they were going to go all SJW preachy about immigration and the rich versus the poor, but they managed to move it in a direction that made a more universal point about people in general. Everyone is a stranger to everyone, and sometimes even themselves.
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who is doing your racist writing
louiethepitt19 May 2019
Are you guys assuming people in Guatemala are all Brown, I'm living here in Guatemala and I'm from guatemala and let me tell you that people from Zacapa are very white, the woman claiming to be from "Zacapa" is like a Mulata and this people mostly live in Izabal, in Honduras and some in Panama....do your research guys before doing awful interpretations of other cultures and looking like racists assuming that everyone south of the border is Brown.
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"Now, let's just get you back to where you belong."
classicsoncall12 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There's nothing like an in-your-face message about all of us having come from somewhere else, either directly or by heritage. That's what episode is all about, delivered with a sledgehammer blow. Only to make its point, Eve Martin (Ginnifer Goodwin) is a traveler from another dimension, a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. Wait, wait, forget about that last part, I got carried away a little. The writers of the episode fail to mention that along with good and productive people making their way to a new and better life, there are others who traffic underage children for the purpose of exploitation, and illicit drugs that have a devastating effect on society. The dumbest line in the entire episode is spoken by husband William (Toby Levins) when he says to Eve - "You're not who you are". Well then, who would she be? You know exactly where this story is coming from as soon as you hear Allendale (James Frain) use the word 'caravan'.
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Another massive stinker & what's with the 50's outfits?
bizzywiththefizzy30 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As others have said, this episode covered the issue of illegal immigrants, ICE and the brutality of the deportation process.

I knew straight away that she was an alien and I had to laugh at how bluntly the plot covered illegal aliens through the use of aliens from outer space - a primary school kid could come up with a more creative and interesting use of metaphors.

My biggest issue is that the housewife, her kids and her friends all dress in full on 1950's clothes, but it's never explained and it wasn't a crucial plot point (part of me thought that perhaps it was a 4400 scenario and she'd been beamed into space in the 50's, returnng to earth a few years ago, but nope)

Truly awful
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Clever way to examine sending ilegal immigrants issue. I'm from Australia what's with the hate?
spotts-646-47405924 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I thought it was a very clever episode. The series has top notch actors. Not all episodes land well but this one I thought did well. I'm aware as Australian of the immigration debate in the USA and Trump trying to get a wall built between USA and Mexico and humerous to think Trump can make them pay for it too. But I acutally as a white middle class Australian empathised greatly with the main characters exile to the detention centers and treated cruelty. I couldn't imagine living in a place and having chirldren and making it home to then be forced to a prison

Our country is no better iwith the racism doing exactly the same thing and it is horrible. I don't think I ever "felt" what it would be like to be an ilegal immigrant and after a decade being uprooted and treated like a criminal.

This episode got me to both think and feel the issue powerfully.

Well done writers and actors of episode 8. .
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Good episode, though a little hamfisted
gwjcole23 March 2020
Ginnifer Goodwin is great as Eve, the story is a bit heavy handed with its message, but the old twilight zone often was as well. Overall, I found it enjoyable.
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rename it the Twilight SJW already.
louiethepitt19 May 2019
This is directed to the producers...if this show even has one...guys if you wanted to throw away money, why not give it away to a good charity, if this is a rare way of propaganda there are publicity agencies instead and the propaganda should be well identify as publicity.
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Way too obvious...
FreyaBarlow4 February 2021
I shouldn't know exactly what is going to happen within 5 minutes of the episode starting. They made no efforts to be unique in any way. No efforts to have any kind of big reveal. It was all just SO obvious and predictable.

Complete waste of time and ruined any hope of me watching the series again.
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