"Emily in Paris" Emily in Paris (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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Charming cast but a decent start.
cruise015 October 2020
3 out of 5 stars.

Lily Collins is a sweet actress. Delivers that fun and charming personality. As she relocates to Paris for work. While hard making friends at work and living in paris lifestyle. Kind of entertaining and cute concept. But not really much depth with characterization.
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Episode 1
bobcobb3016 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show is not exactly original in its premise, in tone it is very similar to Starr's other show Younger, but it is actually pretty good. Funny, charming and anyone can watch it.
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Charisma and clichés
ernestoac25 October 2020
Seems like a good premise with surrounded by clichés, charismatic and contemporary. Taking this to Paris gives the show it's own charm. The fact of the clichés doesn't make this a bad show and we are just starting so we'll have to se how this all develops.
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Relaxing show
jingdeng-1525512 October 2020
I have watched all epaisodes of this show in a day, the storyline is predictable and traditional, but i still feel relaxing while i was watching this.

I really like the costume design of every actor and actress in this show, especially Emily and Camile, Emily is a typical American girl, who shows great passion and potential on brand marketing, she is charming and seems like there is nothing can block her way to become an excellent brand marketing mannager and have remantic love story in Paris.

Camile is such a typical Frech girl in my imagination, because i have not been to Europe yet. She is a grace girl who have a hot boyfriend, and have a good job in an art gallery, and she is so nice.

This kind of soap show always have magic power to me, i dont need think too much while watching, it was just like a simple pipe dream, looking forward to watching the next season.
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City Views
vivianla19 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The camera quality is amazing. Beautiful city views of Chicago and Paris. The Parisian vibes were captured very beautifully.

Emily goes for a run and then we see her in a pink dress talking to Madeleine, her manager. Her manager asks her about a perfume and then suddenly doesn't feel good. She throws up.

Emily goes to the sports bar where her bf is at with a crowd the game. She tells her bf that her manager has learned she is pregnant. Bf says I thought she was too old to get pregnant and Emily says that is what her manager thought too. There are a couple candidates for who the baby daddy is. She had a lot of sex. Emily tells her bf about the offer to go to Paris.

During the walk home with the lovely evening lights, Emily is seriously considering the 1-year stay to her bf's dismay.

Emily goes to Paris and she goes up her new apartment. She learns in Paris the fifth floor is one floor up more because they start counting from the bottom floor. The man helping her to bring up her luggage asks if she wants to go out for a bite or drink but Emily tells him she has a bf.

Emily goes to her new job and the people there are shocked she doesn't speak French. Madeleine does.

Emily buys some sort of French butter and chocolate thing at a cute little cafe. She meets an asian woman who was nannying two French kids. She spoke to them in Mandarin as she was hired to do so. The asian woman says French people are mean and after learning Emily is working here she says she must have seen. Chinese people are mean behind your back but French are mean in front of your face.

Emily wears a lovely long yellow dress and heels. She sits down and a handsome man comes over asking if the chair her bag is on is available. He actually was wanting the chair to take back to another place. The man explains she intimidates them. Americans live to work. French work to live.

At night Emily looks so pretty tucked under the covers. Her bed sheets are pretty as well as her bedroom. Her bf calls at 3 am France time and they begin to have cybersex. They each masturbate as they Facetime. The connection ends up cutting them off.

Luckily Emily has her sex toy and goes to plug it in. The electricity in the area sparks off as a result of her plugging in her device.
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layox16 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode shows the beauty of Paris. The Americans live to work and in Paris they work to live. Moreover this episode difference in culture of both the places. I have enjoyed watching this episode, hoping for the best in next episodes.
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Interesting show
Skylight772 October 2020
As a French person who's bilingual in English, it's really interesting to discover this point of view. Paris is a little bit idealized (empty streets, no defeaning noises), but a lot of other things are accurate (climbing stairs to your apartment, mean people at work, people not trying to speak English). Well of course not all French people are like this, I'm part of them as I've always loved meeting foreigners, talking to them and helping them when they couldn't understand and all. The first thing when coming in the city is to try to meet people through groups or social media, that's the best way to find support if you're alone and need someone who speaks English. However, as a tourist I've also met people who weren't nice in other countries (San Francisco, London) and I love those cities. I don't know why we especially see that for Paris, that's totally something we should see for other countries or cities.
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Deep into the mind.
alexandriakudelko28 April 2021
What is the quality of tolerance for all people? Where is the line between a shown outside intelligence and an inside intelligence. There are 2 questions after watching 2 episodes of this series. And it's not about the French, it is about all people around the world.

I love the way to illustrate the flexible mind opposite the true conservative. It's a classic film's subject. But also i love Paris atmosphere and architecture, wonderful men' appearance, and women' elegance. I have enjoyed the views, and it's greater than charming, it's a fantastic! And the jokes were great! But a cigarette have been left burning and have been thrown on the floor at the party (the 2st episode) always goes near the elegance and outside intelligence. I feel overwhelmed. 8 stars all around!
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Binge worthy
brookeellen-291252 November 2020
Loved it! Watched the entire season in one sitting. Loved the characters, scenery and fashion. This show is a nice mix of funny, cute, sexy, romantic and hopeful. An easy watch yet still entertaining. Can't wait for season 2.
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Shallow pretty show
gangulymoulli13 October 2020
Its a predictable superfiy shallow pretty looking show!!! don't mind watching but content has no depth ...its like a shallow version of devil wears prada... but loved Gabriel..the best thing in the show for me
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bevo-1367824 February 2021
I like the bit where she went to the wrong floor of her apartment
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cestmoi-2920311 October 2020
First episode was cute and fresh. The idea was new and refreshing. Show has a lot of potential, especially you can pick up a few Paris slangs. I bought into the idea, and thought this would be a funny, light-hearted show to watch. Thumb-up.
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Amazing Show
mtuigladie11 October 2020
Omg am out of words....absolutely love this show!!! I wanna see more of Emilyyy
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No French means no respect to country
polliannalan30 December 2021
You came to country, but I don't know the language. You now nothing and you want respect? If you don't try to learn at least basic phrases it means that you don't respect this country. This rule works in EVERY country. Because you are the guest. She mocks French people just because she lazy and don't respect France and French people.
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better than what i expected
marinostattaris4 December 2021
To be honest I was seing this on Netflix for a year now and never started it because I thought it would be dull and superficial.

Today I just saw the first episode and I am hooked.

I have no idea what Emily's job is in paris. Supposedly she's there with some social media strategies Or is she the boss? The french people at the office calle her the hick. In the meantime she's running around paris looking for a boyfriend while she is video calling or having cybersex with Her boyfriend in Chicago.

I got much Sex and the City vibes from Emily's fashion looks and by the male "model"-actors running around the movie- There were 3 of them on episode 1. Wait a minute , They were written by the same person Darren Star. This guy knows how to entertain.
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Emily in Paris
Prismark1027 October 2020
From Darren Star who created Sex And The City. This seems to be like a gallic based The Devil Wears Prada based on the opening episode.

Emily Cooper (Lily Collins) works in social media in Chicago. When her boss falls pregnant. It gives Emily the chance to go and work in Paris for a French marketing firm.

Emily cannot speak French. She will have to leave her boyfriend behind but she is keen to go to Paris.

However Emily discovers that her new French colleagues are not too keen to have her around. Her small apartment is five floors up but it has great views of the city.

I thought the first episode was bland and dull. I expected spikiness and all I got was some lazy caricatures of the French. There was a risque scene at the end, just to remind viewers of its shared DNA with Sex and the City.

It just looked uninspired. As I have been to Paris several times I was not going to be easily bowled over by the picture pretty scenery or the delicious tasting pain au chocolat.
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