"Better Call Saul" Namaste (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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Are we finally connecting the dots with Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad
Andomaker12 March 2020
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In Breaking Bad Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot", during Walter's surprise birthday party Hank shows a video of him and his work. In the video he states "He has 3 people in handcuffs and $700,000" in his bust. Is this the same timeline? Are we finally connecting the dots with Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad?
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Bob Odenkirk at his best!
sammessi-1406910 March 2020
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What a great episode. Vince always said that we took Bob because he could do great comedy and he shows it here. The one that he did that in the court room by changing the client is one of the best things about his character Saul Goodman and I tell you what, only Bob Odenkirk can do this and no one else. His bonding with Kim is getting stronger and this is becoming one of the best show on TV. 6th episode is Wexler v. Goodman so what is going to happen between them? It is going to be so interesting.
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Dissociative Identity Disorder
greggwager10 March 2020
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Details accumulate requiring vigilance. Careful!

At the center of this episode is Howard Hamlin's 1998 Jaguar XJ8, which now has a personalized license plate that reads "NAMAST3." Something about that car becomes a symbol of rage for Saul, who sneaks into Howard's driveway at night and lobs three bowling balls at it. The teaser before the credits for this episode, titled "Namaste" (which is an East Indian greeting that is supposed to convey an Asian version of the Christian Golden Rule), shows Saul in a junk shop browsing carefully for the perfect item to chuck (no pun intended...or?).

Yes Howard remains clueless about Saul, and thinks his old friend Jimmy will come back to work for him. Before having lunch with Howard, Saul defensively adjusts his pinky ring (i.e., Marco's ring acquired at the end of season 1). Howard introduces Saul to his golf partner, a Federal Judge that Saul knows by reputation. The conversation includes the names of older characters: Clifford Main and Kristy Esposito. Little by little, Howard's flakiness eats away Saul, who hammers down his drink. Something about the situation reminds him of his brother Chuck and all the abuse he took in the past as Jimmy.

Perhaps writer and director Gordon Smith (who has been with the franchise since season 3 of Breaking Bad) finally gives us dribs and drabs of what is Saul's genuine dissociative identity disorder (once known as "multiple personality disorder," which in modern usage is not related to a completely different disease called "schizophrenia"). Typically created by abusive family members, the disorder brings about different sustaining personalities in one person. Jimmy, Saul, and perhaps even Gene are not acting. They are actually three different personalities inside the same brain. Becoming Saul allows Jimmy to forget who he once was. This episode shows us like never before how Jimmy can become maniacal Saul. Chucking beer bottles off your balcony is one way of letting off steam, but lobbing bowling balls at a vintage Jaguar is different. Saul is not Jimmy and this is a serious disorder.

Mike faces his issues over Werner and Matty by getting beat up, stabbed, and dropped off at a mission somewhere (Mexico?). Suspenseful crosscutting shows Fring's assistant Lyle cleaning the cooker while Hank and Gomey chase after the guy who picks up the money at the last of three dead drops and gets away.

Oh yeah, and Tucumcari is two and a half hours east of Albuquerque, near the Texas border; Bobby Foster is a boxer with a road named after him; and O'Neill's is a famous Irish restaurant in that neck of the woods. The two meth heads now have names (Sticky and Ron). Stacey Ehrmantraut's car still has Pennsylvania license plates on it.

I know I'm watching as carefully as I can. I hope you are too. Denouement is near.
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It's just getting better since it started back in 2008
mbocquet-0406110 March 2020
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Incredible, how they get better each season, for so long now, this is the best spin off, you get tensed for characters you already know the future Hands down to one of the greatest show for sure Hope the ending is as good as mr robots The cinematography is one of the greatest There is nothing to say against this show to me, it is pure control, pure art, we just get to witness it and be blessed to live it like it or find something else
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Why go back to Jimmy when you're already Good man?
hotrobinproductions10 March 2020
Why go back to Jimmy when you're already Good, man. Jimmy doesn't want any more handouts. Ever since Charles jimmy knows what he has to do. He's a lone wolf, a symbol yet a middle finger to the system. Every character in this episode is conflicted with the decisions they make and how they approach them. From tensions between the DEA and Gus. From Kim being conflicted in bringing Jimmy into her clients, and of course Saul being persuaded to go back to good old jimmy, and of course the Mike situation. The main thing to get from this episode is the growth of characters on seeing how others react to their actions. Well made.
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Such an amazing episode!
Mr-Li16 March 2020
It's always incredible to watch BCS episodes because of the delicate power of description of the characters. This episode has also riveted my attention during watching the show. So amzing that the episode overlapped BB S1 and So lately did I realized that I finally remembered the characters starring in BB actors... with Corona-19 becoming a world pandemic that cause world to agitate, the show is my only pleasure in the time. thanks Vince.
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Solid character development episode.
mm-3919 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Solid character development episode. Namaste has Kim getting Jimmy to help a defendant which Kim's firm is running out of the old guys home. We see Kim has a soft spot for the under dog which is why Kim love Jimmy! Jimmy is on the case creatively creating delays for the house demolition crew. The viewer learns Jimmy loves his job of the con, which is humorous side of Namaste. Mike is stranded for medical help, and the viewer learns that Mike needs to be kept busy and needs a reason to be. The rest of the minor characters has minor development; the billionaire is a good ol boy, and Gus is a methodical men bent on revenge. Churning the character development builds up the characters and what the characters create. Meaning the character push the story instead of the other way around. 8 stars.
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Not the best one but still solid
8512228 July 2020
Greetings from Lithuania.

Even by not being best episode or far from it, "Namaste" was an interesting 45 min to watch. Acting, dialog and directing were pitch perfect. Story is moving forward and i'm absolutely sure that things in this season will explode pretty soon. Even without that, "Namaste" is that episode that leads to a greater things.
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Least impactful of the season but still great
benkrieser10 March 2020
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After last episode "The guy for this", it's gonna be very difficult to follow up with something incredible. I assume Vince knew this and went with a much more chill and classic BCS episode format that never seems to fail.

Great intro with the bowling balls which foreshadows Saul's eventual actions against Howard Hamlin's motivation of getting Jimmy back at HHM. Nice montage sequences all through the episode shown through as Lyle and Fring's trap juxtapose very nicely as they both want perfection in their actions, CLASSIC FRING FROM BB. Kim is really gaining traction this season and is actually feels like its building towards something HUGE that leads to Kim never mentioned in BB.

I can't give this ep higher than an 8 as Namaste is without Ignacio and Lalo but Mike was incredible, great symbolism having him walking back in the same neighbourhood with the hoodlums as it displays either he truly is after the trouble, he wants the danger back in his life or he wanted to be hurt for his actions against Kaylee and Stacey. Anyway, good cliff hanger ending to see where Mike goes from here and v excited to see Mesa Verde (Kim) V Acker (Goodman)
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They Keep Trying
Hitchcoc20 April 2022
When Jimmy pulls the oldest trick in the books, disguising the guy next to him to look like the accused, he gets a mistrial. The down side of this is the poor guy who runs the store where the money was stolen from his cash register. Is there much difference between a prosecutor who sets up his adversary and a defense attorney who gets the bad guy off. But it's all about challenges. The lunch meeting with Howard is great and the weighing of the potential missiles is also superb. We also get a look at Gus whose anal obsession with order is at its peak here. That poor kid cleaning the deep fryer is the foyle in another great metaphor.
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formotog19 March 2020
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Good episode. Big fan of perfectionist Gus and his operation that went perfectly to plan. Saul back in the courtroom was a nice sight, and his stunt was typical of him. His interaction with the two dummies at the start was also more classic Saul. Gomey and Hank are as funny as they were and despite that whole operation being quite slow, it was still engaging. Howard's car getting destroyed was a fun scene as well with some very strange music. Mike is being quite strange at the moment and seems to just be all over the place, not really sure what to think about it right now. The pacing of this episode was certainly slower and the omission of Nacho and Lalo was felt, but nonetheless it was still good.
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rippajackson10 March 2020
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I think this is the end of the line for me. I struggled to enjoy season 4. This show is highly overrated. This episode is some of the most bland TV I've ever watched. I won't be returning.
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Steve McQueen connection?
dan_ryan30 January 2023
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Do you think the writers are invoking Steve McQueen's legacy performances from "Nevada Smith" when Mike is nursed back to health at a monastery and when Jimmy and Everett Acker (Barry Corbin) use hidden drop bags in their pants when they grind up radioactive Americium- 241 sources from smoke detectors like they did with the tunnel dirt in "The Great Escape"?

It may not be the best episode in the series but one certainly has to hand to to Jimmy "Saul Goodman" for creative disruption. He makes a good guerilla fighter!! Good acting by the principal characters. Perhaps I watch too many old flicks!
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S5.E4 - Bowling Balls [9/10]
panagiotis19938 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
(S5. E4) My Live Reaction / Review for Better Call Saul Season 5 Episode 4 ''Namaste''. The previous episode was good and I gave it a rating of 9/10. Let's see if this one is better or worse. Howard wants Saul to go work at HHM? I didn't see that coming. Wow, the thing Saul did in court was awesome. I always enjoy Saul's dirty tricks. Hank and Steve are in this episode too? That's awesome, I love these cameos. Saul is now the lawyer of this old man who doesn't want to sell his house? Im sure Kim and Mesa Verde wont like this. Saul just destroyed Howard's car? What the hell is he doing? Why? These cowards, these punks gave Mike a beating? That sucks. Overall this episode was good and I enjoyed it. Good performances by the actors and intriguing plot. My rating is 9/10.
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Yes he did it again
hatimdragon12 March 2020
The best of bests,simply the greatest the show is increasingly impressing me!!
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Bad behaviour
Leofwine_draca2 February 2022
Perhaps not my favourite episode but still made with finesse. I wasn't a fan of some of the slightly childish ways the characters were acting here, but overall it's still very well handled. Let's see where they go next.
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Petty Gus?!?
thedevilsruledin10 March 2020
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Gus bullying Lyle cause he's mad about giving up a ton of cash is ridiculous! The man is a ruthless psychopath, but he'd never be mean to someone as lovable as sweet Lyle!
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Addicted to nasty
dierregi11 April 2020
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Jimmy might have thought he could play the part of Saul and switch off at leisure, but what if Jimmy IS actually Saul and he tried in vain to fit into Jimmy's shoes? Or even better, what if Jimmy actually suffers from a personality disorder and is getting in so deep that the end of the tunnel won't be anymore in sight?

Whatever is left of Jimmy is given possibly the last chance to straighten up by a cheerful Howard. They meet for lunch and Howard seems genuinely pleased with himself and ready to atone for his mistakes with Jimmy.

And what does Jimmy do? There is no more Jim left, only psycho Saul, the nasty, mean "criminal" lawyer who wants criminals to get away with their crimes.

Kim continues slipping and for the wrong cause. I totally don't sympathise with cliche, stubborn geezer, who in other circumstances could be described as an arrogant bully.

However, Kim and Saul are having a great time, which makes the suspense grow on how they end up splitting. Nice work.

Gus is even more a psycho than usual and the Mike story line is a bit cliche, with him hating himself and thinking he deserves a beating (which he does, so I don't feel sorry for him).
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It's just ok
rasulrizvan10 March 2020
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Middle series. There are not many events in it. There was a feeling that it was created only for subsequent episodes. A good introduction, an interesting and fascinating ending, but the series itself almost did not advance the plot, as well as the characters. The scenes with washing the machine for french fries were completely unnecessary for me, as were the scenes with Gus (they could have been dispensed with only by Schrader), and many scenes only weakly complemented the retold events of previous episodes. The series only asks us where Mike got to. Well, in principle, these are the main events of the series. A little chewed on Mike's line with his problems and that's it. Puff !! The typical BCS series is ready, of course the series is still captivating with its narrative methods, but against the background of the other three it still looks weaker. 7/10. A favorite moment in the series was how after leaving Jimmy Kim still removed the glass. A great moment showing Kim's character through her actions.
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bobcobb30121 March 2020
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Is the show still interesting? Sure, but it doesn't feel like they are going anywhere with this. Better Call Saul has the characters to be great, but they don't seem to be trying hard anymore.
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Saul vs. Howard
gedikreverdi2 May 2022
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Mike got attacked and woke up in a rustic house in the middle of the desert. Saul vandalized Howard's car with bowling balls. Hank and his team thinks they did a good job but everything went as Fring planned.
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