"Madam Secretary" E Pluribus Unum (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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Linda Lavin steals the show in the few moments we get to spend with her.
karenlists9 October 2018
During or after every episode of this show, I have commented to my family that it is just a bit (or quite a bit) too earnest, idealistic, wholesome, etc. Although this episode was no exception, we are treated to a moment of realism from talented veteran actor Linda Lavin, playing the character of Joan, Russell's wise assistant. When "Stevie" explains to Joan that she wants to be valued, not for her connection to Russell or her mother, but for "what I've accomplished around here," Joan says very little in words, but speaks volumes with her slight twitch of a smile and her silence as Stevie talks herself into an embarrassing snit. Rarely do guest actors bring the skills Lavin does to this scene. Contrast this with the rather lame scene with Colin Powell, Madeleine Albright, and Hillary Clinton-none of whom can act worth a damn-and Lavin deservea a Emmy.
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Antidote to Trump
yellowmarlin16 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This show remains the spiritual successor to the West Wing and the perfect antidote to the Trump regime. The scene with Albright, Clinton and Powell was a great idea, if slightly cringeworthy, and the speech describing nationalism as a perversion of patriotism was powerful and entirely correct.
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Patriotism...is about building each other up.
LordofArt15 October 2018
Yea, twas soothing to watch Fmr Secretaries Hillary Clinton, Madeleine Albright and Colin Powell educate and enlighten us on the dangers of nationalism, and on the need for us to embrace...diversity and inclusion as is evident in the speech of their fictional successor, Madam Elizabeth McCord, played by Ms Tea Leoni.

"Nationalism is the existential threat of our time. I wanna be clear: nationalism is not the same as patriotism. It's a perversion of patriotism. Nationalism is the belief system held by those who attacked us. Promotes the idea that inclusion and diversity represent weakness. That the only way to succeed is to give blind allegiance to the supremacy of one race over all others. Nothing could be less human. Patriotism on the other hand is about building each other up. And embracing our diversity is the source of our human strength."
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Guess they couldn't get Condi.
grammydawn-4340410 October 2018
I really liked this show - especially the 1st 2 seasons. Now, like most entertainment, we get our weekly dose of "this is how you should view the world". When the last episode ended with Elizabeth announcing she was going to run for president and Henry responding "I'm with you" as in I'm with her, I knew what we would be in for. I know this is a political show, but must it hit the viewer over the head with the Hollywood version of what is good and right?
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The day history truly came into the show...
hippotek11 October 2018
I have watched a lot of TV in my life, but never before I have found a single episode of a TV show become so political within seconds. When "Madam Secretray" talks to the advisory council of her predecessors, Colin Powell, Madleine Albright and Hillary Clinton, the tone set send shivers down my spine. No, the three are not notewothy actors, but they need not be. They are former politicians who shaped an America that was a trusted Partner and Power in the world. To see a TV show stand up and act out against trupism, against white supremacist feels good. The speech at the end, hailing Nuclear Weapons the second biggest threat to humanity, was right on point. I do not mind American Patrotism. Americans should be proud of their country. I do mind the stupid and cringeworthy nationalistic doctrine of "America First", which aims to alienate the world from the US... Thank you for going beyond entertainment,this time round.
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Enjoyed it
dallal2631 May 2020
Lots of negative reviews for this episode but I really enjoyed the drama of it.
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America's common values
thedudebryant10 October 2018
Judging from some of the reviews it seems some folks either didn't pay attention during the episode or have trouble grasping the values this country was founded on. Nationalism is not patriotism. To be honest I can't believe these folks ever really watched this show in the first place. Every episode has more nuance than they could handle.
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You know what to do
paulspeed2 March 2019
To all the people giving negative views, there is such a thing as an off button.
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Love the show and this episode
john-115-70054421 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Amazing to actually have real-life politicians participate in the episode, excellent food for thought for those that equate nationalism with patriotism. A great message for our times!
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Love this show, not this episode
butch-931-93822015 October 2018
Preachy and political with no balance. Not how this show usually operates. Disappointed in the sledgehammer used in this episode.
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Former Secretaries of State
PSUPrue11 October 2018
Seeing the former Secretaries of State was amazing, and then hearing them discuss the situation and how to bring it all together was awesome!!!!!
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It was good until it wasn't.
Whitneywest109 October 2018
I don't claim to know a lot about politics but the scene with former Secretary of State heads was cringe worthy.
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Bowler30023 October 2018
It's just Hollywood folks! Watch and relax. Don't be so critical. A lot more to be critical about than TV
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Procedural Drama Realized
ceekers8 October 2020
Hands-down the best episode ever written for a broadcast television procedural drama. This is the gold standard for more like this come.
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Please don't ruin this show
marboyd30 October 2018
I love this show, however what is going on?!. I was finally able to catch up on season 5 on demand. The part where the previous Secretary's of State (in episode one) came together sounded like a really bad TV ad. Throwing in the political views.. just ridiculous .
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Disappointed with season permier
mgl-2583112 October 2018
CBS is determined to ruin one of their very few good shows. I enjoyed watching this show until now. It started this season as another propaganda piece for CBS and the Clinton Broadcasting Service.

It started out bad with Elizabeth compromising her principles for political gain. The low point was the gathering of talking heads offering insipid views. The laughable moment was when the person who labeled more than half the country as "deplorables" talked about tolerance and inclusiveness

This episode has done major damage to what used to be a good show. A series that explored complex topics with at least the appearance of neutrality and objectivity. Now it's become just another CBS attack on America.
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Very disappointing start to the season
bunchas22 October 2018
I have been a fan of this show from the start, but how they managed to make an interesting storyline during the season premier this utterly boring boggles my mind. Hopefully this is a horrible one off and they get back to normal.
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liberal, opinionated propaganda.
jher-234359 October 2018
Shelf your liberal, opinionated propaganda. I don't watch drama TV programs to be converted to the progressive viewpoint. Anymore episodes like this and I will no longer be watching Madam Secretary. I used to love this program. This episode -- I can't stomach it.
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Very disappointed.
jacmat-592059 October 2018
Used to be a good show somewhere until the third season. After this episode, I am not watching this show ever again.
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A bit preachy
rondadams6 August 2020
I've loved this show for seasons 1-4, but this first episode of season 5 really struck a nerve, crossing the line of a fictional show into more of a political narrative. I hope this doesn't set the precedent for the remainder of the shows. That's not what I come to watch. I come to watch a smart, well-told story about a woman and her faintly negotiating the challenges of holding the second highest office in the US.
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Party Political Brodcast Ahoy...!
peninblack1 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Oh dear. The cringeworthy appearance of Clinton, Powell and Albright... What was all that about? Plus, a white supremacist attack on the White House...? Oh perlease. As a Brit, I've, (on the whole, with some notable exceptions...), enjoyed the programme. Up until now. Sure, one gets which side of the political slice of bread is buttered. But, up until this thinly veiled party political broadcast of an episode, I could align it with fictional 'entertainment'. I'm now in 2 minds wether to continue watching? Signed..., 'fed up with 'Hollywood' force feeding me what I should and shouldn't think. And how I should live MY life according to their blinkered mantra', England
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Way too preachy
bobeaumont24 January 2019
I'm British, and enjoy the show for what it is. As other reviewers have said, I was really enjoying this episode, explosion in the White House, great stuff. Then it got way too political, old politicians wheeled in to show how great America is again. Give us a break, and just get on with the drama. I could just see right wing Americans throwing their beer cans at the tv! Tone it down, and hopefully the show will improve
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