1917 (2019) Poster


Parents Guide

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MPAA Rated R for violence, some disturbing images, and language

Sex & Nudity

Violence & Gore

  • Not much combat, but some gory aftermath scenes, which can include missing limbs. Some of the scenes in which soldiers are missing limbs can be easily missed, until the end, in which hundreds of soldiers with gory and brutal wounds are seen.
  • Compared to many other modern war films the brutality of war is not focused on as this film as it concentrates on the emotional impact of violence rather than graphic. Though note this film still has its has a few intense graphic scenes.
  • A plane crashes in a very intense but not very brutal scene.
  • There is a war scene, soldiers are seen being attacked by bombs and guns.
  • Two soldiers fight onscreen. There is punching, kicking and choking. It is dark with nothing graphic seen at all.
  • A brief standoff of two soldiers shows one bloody soldier on the ground. Brief moment.
  • A scene across no mans land shows some corpses with bloody wounds. We see a lot of dead bodies with large open wounds on their backs and chests.
  • A scene near the end of the film shows a field hospital with many soldiers with severe wounds. A soldier missing an arm, and several soldiers missing pieces of their legs are shown. Camera does not focus on these injuries, however they are in plain view for 10-15 seconds.
  • While helping a fellow soldier, one gets his hand punctured by barbed wire.
  • Dead and decomposing horses are shown, with accompanying visuals and sounds of swarming flies.
  • Bodies of dead soldiers are shown floating in a river. Several bodies are bloated from exposure to the elements.
  • Majority of the violence in this movie is seen only in aftermath such as rotted corpses, injured soldiers and scattered limbs across the battlefield (No Mans Land)
  • A body is carried with blood absorbed on a cloth on a dead soldiers eye, implying he was shot in the eye.
  • Their is only one scene of combat and two injuries with both include blood, other than that the film is far more intense than violent.


  • Maybe 3 uses of "Shit", a few uses of "Bastard",
  • Around 18 uses of "fuck" scattered throughout. Somewhat mild, considering it is a war film.
  • "Christ" is abused once, and "Jesus" 10 times.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Lieutenant Leslie is seen smoking a cigarette just as he blesses the two soldiers before they go over the top.
  • A German soldier (only seen from afar) is heavily drunk.
  • A soldier in the troop transporter lights a cigarette.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • A lot of the violent scenes are intense. There is a scene where a soldier is being chased by shooting enemies which is quite intense. The music adds to this dramatic atmosphere throughout the movie.
  • Very intense film. It keeps you at the edge of your seat at all times.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • A plane crash lands with the pilot, with major burns, being pulled out of the wreckage. A bloody stabbing and shooting then follow.
  • There is a very bloody scene where a man gets stabbed briefly and dies.
  • A man in stabbed. The wound is not visually shown, but there is quite a lot of blood and him bleeding out goes on for a while. More emotional than graphic.
  • In climax there are bomb explosions and gun fires
  • One of the main characters is stabbed in the plane crash scene while trying to help a soldier in a burning plane very violent and emotional

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • A scene where a character begins to cry when he realizes he is going to die is very intense. This scene lasts a while since it is one shot, and we watch the soldier take his final breaths. Very intense.
  • The ending is quite intense. A soldier runs across the battlefield, and in the background we can see soldiers being killed.
  • It can be emotional when a soldier learns of his brother's death.
  • A character caught in a river swims across dozens of bloated corpses to get out. The corpses are obviously of dead civilians, as there are women among them and they are all gagged. It is very emotional and intense. The bodies are dummies according to interviews but very realistic.
  • Whilst in underground trenches, a trip-wire causes a bomb to go off. It is very unexpected and could throw some viewers off guard.
  • A man is stabbed and dies in his friends arms. This frightens his partner and the experience stays with him for the rest of the film.
  • A man sets of a bomb in an underground trench. His friend gets buried under the rubble. He survives, but is blinded by dirt and mud. Moments later they are forced to jump over a hold in the trench to escape before it collapses on them. This scene could be stressful, for a man who is blind must trust in his friend to jump over a deep hole that he cannot see. He almost dies, but doesn't.
  • More intense than violent. The main characters rarely actually shoot their guns.

See also

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