"Hunters" In the Belly of the Whale (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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What I'd give to have killed Heinz Richter.
Fella_shibby23 February 2020
This single episode is much better than most recent thrillers. The human chess game is scarier than most recent horror films. The cinematography is brilliant. Got hooked onto the series aft this episode.
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Addicting thriller drama
cruise0122 February 2020
4 out of 5 stars.

Great episode. The opening scene was intense. Plot about a jewish young guy who gets recruited by Al Pacino in joining their team to hunt down Nazi officers that may still be planning for another assault in 1970. Great cast. The script is well driven. Direction may be slow.
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Only The Dead Know The End Of War
wandernn1-81-68327410 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Okay here we go and I expect to be VERY IMPRESSED! Amazon keeps throwing this in my face just about every day. So I'm expecting some damn quality drama here.

We Begin with a 1977 BBQ. Oh my look at those clothes!!! Hahaha. Dylan Baker he makes a great BIFF!!!! Omg what a fantastic opening sequence!!!!

+1 Star for the beginning of this one!!!

Okay and I do like the Chess Set opening credits.

+1 Star one time bonus for the opening chess set credits

Brooklyn 1977 -

Homey is dealing dope. He gets beat up by a bigger dude who calls him a 'kike'. Homey goes home to grandma, who finds his drugs in his backpack. Grandma cautions him on ending up a total loser who throws his life away dealing drugs.

That night a burglar breaks in and grandma taunts him and he shoots her. Poor old lady. Some people just don't deserve to walk the Earth. Homey holds her hand as she dies. Oh I guess Homey's name is Jonah, so I'll call him that from now on.

Washington DC -

Biff is at the aftermath of his BBQ. He invited a clean up guy. They're going to be make it look like Biff survived the slaughter.

Next we have Jonah at his grandma's funeral and wake. A family member pisses Jonah off. Jonah tells her off and goes outside the house. Enter Meyer Offerman. Meyer tells Jonah he owes his grandma a debt, and if Jonah EVER needs anything, he should come to Meyer.

Jonah returns home and finds grandmas locked box of secrets. Flashback to grandma in the ghetto in 1941 Her mother shot dead. Her father shot dead. Meyer showed up and pulled her away before she was shot also. He reads of his grandmas desire to kill them ALL. Kill Them ALL!!! Reminds me of Spartacus!! Great show!! :)

Cape Canaveral Florida -

Woman almost chokes during 20k$ pyramid and goes and takes a shower. Shower door is locked from outside and water goes completely hot and wont turn off. Doesn't look good for her.

Back to NYC FBI Headquarters -

New character? Morris apparently. Sent to investigate the death in Florida which apparently the old shower lady was some NASA scientist. Morris arrives down in Florida to investigate the shower death.

+1 Star for the bowling alley scene, I enjoyed that.

Jonah is picked up by the NYPD for slinging drugs. Looks like Meyer has him bailed out and picks him up and brings him to Meyer's house. At Meyer's house Meyer starts to educate Jonah. Jonah snoops around and finds that Meyer has research done on the man who killed his grandma.

Morris goes to NASA to find out more about Greta, the scientist who was killed in the shower.

Jonah finds the man who killed his grandma. Tries to kill him, and is captured and almost killed himself. Rescued just in the nick of time by Meyer. Very Cliche.

-1 Star for Very Cliche.

Meyer brings Jonah back to his headquarters. Explaining to Jonah that Meyer and his Grandmother are / were Nazi hunters. Hunting down Nazis who survived the war and escaped to America. Jonah says he wants to join. Meyer reluctantly accepts at first. Then introduces Jonah to the Team.

Kind of slow to develop. But 7/10
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Surprisiy good
rodrigues-3918922 February 2020
This series is off to a great start. After a brilliant opening scene the series goes ahead full throttle pulling out all the stops to get the veiwers attention. This series is addictive and original. Loving it so far.
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ebqrkhf2 June 2022
I don't know what else to say, but this season opener was tense, shocking and brilliant!

The soundtrack/score is perfect, the cinematography dramatic and i am wholly interested in every character.

Looking forward to more episodes.
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Over the Top Nazi Hunters
arfdawg-129 February 2020
First episode sets the stage for a modern day grind-house movie. Is it beieveable? Not in ten ways to hell. Is it entertaining? Most of the time. Unfortunately in E2 the Gey Agenda raises it's ugly head. Hope that story line disappears licking split, so to speak.
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Good pacing and acting, somehow cliche
JustHavingALook31 October 2022
It's a good pilot, but... doesnt deliver.

Was it supposed to be some kind of Tarantino/comic book/superhero stuff? It is not.

Good stuff:
  • Production design and wardrobe: good job guys. The interiors add a layer of coolness that is definitely needed these days
The chess game is utterly terrifying.

  • The kid (protagonist) is convincing considering all the emotional turmoils he has to go through

  • color grading: I know it takes time and money, but would have preferred a bit more grimy undertones. Scenes fall flat every now and then.

Not good stuff:
  • Would have avoided the FBI storyline: it intertwines well with the other 2 (jewish kid and the blonde nazi) but renders the episode fairly long for a pilot

  • how they reveal Characters traits. Certain scenes are either absurd or cliche. Take the FBI lady on the subway with the gun... yes she's strong!

The blonde nazi is a psyco, a racist.. ok, no need to go overboard. The scene in the laundry is so unrealistic and lame I wanted to click away.

-the (diverse) hunters: how on earth can you fit an asian dude and a black girl within a group of jewish on a mission to hunt down nazi?
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In the Belly of the Whale
Prismark1028 February 2020
The first episode opens with a stylish sequence directed by Wayne Yip. A party is thrown by a high ranking US politician, it is the mid 1970s, a young female guest recognises him and shrieks at him. He was a Nazi butcher in a concentration camp in the second world war.

However you think this woman is far too young to be in a concentration camp and surely she might have recognised him from the news coverage. He is in the President's cabinet. Therein lies the problem with Hunters.

Hunters is billed as a Grindhouse revenge comic book action series. The Tarantino influence is obvious. It just lapses into silliness too many times.

There are two stories here. A Jewish teenager in Brooklyn, Jonah Heidelbaum (Logan Lerman) sees his grandmother being killed. He later meets Meyer Offerman (Al Pacino) who once knew his grandmother. Meyer is a wealthy man who has a team searching and eliminating Nazis living in America. These Nazis have infiltrated all parts of American society.

Travis Leich (Greg Austin) is a neo Nazi enforcer for some big Nazi players who believe the fourth reich is coming. He is tasked to find who is responsible for the recent killings.

Like Tarantino's Once Upon a Hollywood; this is an alternate history. There is a good recreation of the 1970s, which is more authentic than the actual 70s. However this was an overlong first episode and it has not hit its stride as a grimy sleazy comic book adventure.
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Totally Unbelievable
GeezerNoir22 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
We are shown that the opening scene takes place in 1977. The woman who is accusing the man of being "The Butcher" does not appear old enough to have been in the concentration camps in the early to mid 1940s. Nor does the accused man appear old enough to have been a senior enough officer in the camps to have established himself as "The Butcher". So that's one significant thing right there. But there's more! We are to believe that this fellow always and everywhere has available a loaded and silenced automatic hand gun. And that he is marksman enough to kill all of the people in this scene with one perfectly placed head shot each. Even though some of them are running at a fair distance and some of them are bobbing about in the water. And we are to believe that he is evil enough to have zero attachment to his own children. Etc., etc. There are many more almost equally unbelievable things happening in the first thirty minutes of this episode. Thirty minutes was as far as I could get before I gave up and turned the thing off. What a waste!
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pankaj_pal922 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand the lead character's role in this story. He's so uncharacteristically doing things that doesn't correspond with a real character's drive in that context. In the Pilot itself the show is trying to bring together the people who has no point being together. Not yet at least. The big reveal at the end is just anticlimactic.
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Well, tried the first episode.
ZinQ16 March 2020
But it was clear it was going nowhere. Things have got to catch me, this did not. Had high hopes.
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Bot for History fans or the Well Read
freedomkrg15 March 2020
Submitting to the current left driven narrative that ALL White Christians are Evil, and that only people in a protected identity class are Good, this production wastes the talents of Pacino and the opportunity to teach some valuable lessons from history that all peoples in all nations need to never forget. Avoid if you love history or find Hollywood's endless assault on your intelligence and internal sense of judgement, offensive and arrigant
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